Jerry's View: How NOT to paint your car
By Jerry Robinson
Publisher Emeritus 1920~2014
I don't know where he found it but number five son Scott Anthony somehow discovered a bruised and battered two door Chevy sedan someone had left to die.
It was on it's side in a field near the airport flight path. With some of his teenage friends he got it on its wheels and managed to pull it with a chain and some luck up to our house.
He then came, muddy and merrily, into the house with the announcement that he and I could restore it and I would not have to help him buy a car for his 16th birthday.
He then tugged me outside to look at his muddy discovery.
I had built lots of things for the kids but had never tried to restore a battered, mud-covered mother-of-all-discards.
"I am going to make this baby sparkle by my birthday," he grinned, "But I could use a little help."
....There goes my golf match.
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