April 2021

You can serve on the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal replacement project Community Advisory Board

Washington State Ferries (WSF) is seeking members to serve on the Community Advisory Group for the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal Replacement Project.

Applications are open through 5 p.m. on April 23rd. You can apply here. For questions about the application process, please email FauntleroyTermProj@wsdot.wa.gov or call 206-818-3813.

Here’s the WSF announcement:


Burien wants to upgrade Moshier Park with artificial turf

information from the City of Burien

The City of Burien is proposing a project to provide stormwater management for a drainage sub-basin around Moshier Park and make improvements to the athletic fields and restroom facilities at the park for year-round usage.

This 15.2-acre community park is located at 430 South 156th Street in central Burien adjacent to Highline High School in central Burien. The park shares parking with the Moshier Arts Center located on the southwest boundary.

The multiuse sports field site can accommodate 4 lighted grass 250-300- foot grass softball/baseball fields, 2 lighted grass 120-yard regulation soccer fields, an asphalt path, and restroom.

Additional grass field areas are used for practice by youth soccer and football.


Ken's View: Hearing from representatives; Plus we need your help

It’s happening in King County

The daily paper doesn’t do a thorough job of reporting actions and activities by the King County Council, relying instead on the usual fireworks at Seattle City Hall. But just down the street, a dedicated group of public servants (ncluding staff) are 'toiling upwards in the night' to spend your tax dollars. 

Unless you are an email recipient from your elected representative at the county level, chances are you don’t hear much about what is going on. Some Councilmembers are better than others keeping their constituents in the know.

On the Westside, where you live, Peter Von Reichbauer produces a regular newsletter sent via email. It is packed with items that affect the ives of people here. The nubby texture of his reports (including pictures) is reassuring that he is doing the job well. Pete has been around a long time and has a powerhouse staff that puts together his newsletters.


Racing ahead in her tennis shoes

By Jean Godden

Washington's own Sen. Patty Murray has been described as "the most important politician you've never heard of." That may be true in the streets of Manhattan and the cotton fields of Texas, but it's certainly not true here in Murray's home state.

In the Evergreen State we know we have one of the most powerful U. S. senators and that, once, more she's done something game changing. Teaming with Connecticut's more effusive Rep. Rosa DeLauro, the quiet, low-key Murray managed to get child tax credits tucked into Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus package.


Pat's View: Love your community? Support this newspaper

By Patrick Robinson

Robinson Newspapers and WestsideSeattle are the last independent local publisher of weekly news in print in the City of Seattle with a history that extends back to 1893 (in Ballard) 1923 (in West Seattle) and 1945 (in Burien).

Even Mayor Jenny Durkan once worked for the Ballard News-Tribune. We published the two definiitive history books about West Seattle and Ballard and we always saw it as our role to be a training ground for journalists where those entering the field could learn the craft and in some cases those who could no longer deal with the pace of a daily would come back and teach, keeping their hand in. When my father, Gerald "Jerry" Robinson bought the White Center News in 1952, the community was very rough and tumble and he saw it as his mission to improve the community.
