Sound Transit is seeking more public input on the Link Light Rail expansion to Ballard and West Seattle ahead of the expansion committee meeting set for Feb. 9.
Information from Sound Transit
In July, after reviewing the Draft EIS and the comments from Tribes and public and agency partners, the Sound Transit Board identified the preferred alternative for the West Seattle Link Extension and requested further studies before identifying a preferred alternative for the Ballard Link Extension. Since then, Sound Transit staff have been busy hosting open houses and workshops; engaging in nearly 100 briefings; engaging in meetings and tours with community members, property owners, residents, and businesses; and sharing information at community events.
Thank you to those who have been involved, asked questions, and provided feedback along the way!
What’s next in the process? We began sharing our further study results at the Sound Transit Board meeting on January 26, with a deeper dive at the System Expansion Committee meeting on February 9.
As we prepare to return to the Sound Transit Board with the results of our work, we would like to offer additional opportunities for you to learn about the further studies, provide feedback and get answers to your questions.
- Take our further studies survey! Starting January 26 and until February 17, you will have the opportunity to provide additional feedback on the Chinatown-International District (CID), Downtown, and Interbay/Ballard further study results, and learn more about the West Seattle, Duwamish, and SODO further studies.
- Stop by and ask your questions! Join Sound Transit staff on February 8 anytime between 3 and 7 p.m. at Union Station (401 S. Jackson Street, Seattle) to learn about and provide feedback for the CID, Downtown, Interbay/Ballard further study results, and learn about the further study work in West Seattle, Duwamish, and SODO areas. More information about this drop-in opportunity is available on our website. Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Light refreshments will be provided. Masks are encouraged, but not required.
If you are unable to join us on February 8 and have questions that you would like answered before completing the further studies survey, please visit our website for more information about the further studies, to view past workshop and open house materials from the CID and Interbay/Ballard events, or to request a briefing or meeting.
We will share your feedback with the Sound Transit Board at the end of February to inform potential action on a preferred alternative for the Ballard Link Extension in March.