LETTER: Where is the role model?
Mon, 07/22/2019
To the editor:
I grew up in a small town in the 50/60s and was taught a level of decency, code of conduct, call it what you will, by the generations before me - good role models. Being in the South as well, I had the solid religious education to supplement that. Being fair and considerate to others, especially those diminished and vulnerable for some reason.
Teasing and intimidation were not tolerated and cheating and deception were not acceptable behavior. Roll forward to 2016 and I had to shake my head when similar communities from which I was nurtured happened to vote in and still support a character like Trump – the very opposite of a good role model.
He has cheated on every woman he has been involved with, including 2 previous wives. His mistress was pregnant with his child (Tiffany), he later divorced Ivana, Tiffany was born, then he married Marla Maples some months later. So he had a child out of wedlock. He has cheated people, over and over, out of their money for work completed – either paid them half the agreed amount or even none at all.
My upbringing had a word for that: CON MAN!! He has declared bankruptcies and just walked away with the money and left the investors busted. His base somehow wants to believe that Trump cares about them, wants to help them. Trump only cares about one person: himself! He has alienated our allies and cozied up to the dictators.
The Access Hollywood tape did not cause me concern that he was vulgar, using a slang word for a region of a woman’s body, indecent without a doubt. It was his attitude, however, that put me in a rage: common in his circle of stinky rich and powerful menfolks: they are rich, powerful, and famous - they can do whatever they want!
How can folks raised like myself tolerate someone of Trump’s ilk for even one second? Please make me understand!
David S. Gooding
Normandy Park
Sorry, David, but your…
Sorry, David, but your diatribe is just that..another Trump hater that overlooks the nonsense coming out of the Democratic Party, which as a Christian, I and others consider now Satanic, to a fault. This is a party of Social Justice Warriors that has nothing to do with Christianity..open borders, acceptance of homosexuality, transgenderism, confiscation of wealth, aka theft, murdering the unborn and now the actually born and now also euthanasia of the elderly, anti-Israel, pro-Islam, anti death penalty, environmentalism/climate change, reparations for slavery, apologizing for something called "White priviledge", supporting the lawbreakers coming across the southern border and the lawbreakers who support them and attack ICE officials and harbor illegals and now those who throw water on the police and even more deadly objects like concrete..be aware of the Democratic Socialists who have infested Congress including those who are actual Communists...with money that comes from those like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation..attacking the 2nd Amendment with the new mantra of "gun control"..health care for all..oh wonderful, and per the experts like AOC and the detestable Bernie Sanders et al, we cannot afford not to do it. We Trump supporters and that includes 2020 did not and will not vote for him based on his behavior years ago..There isn't one of your progressive candidates , not one who can stand in front of a full length mirror and say "Oh what a good boy (or girl) am I"..Trump gets things done and couldn't care less what you think..and now we see the truth coming out slowly about the "Deep State" with indictments coming, something that would not have happened if one Hillary got in which would have been the plan all along...and blaming Trump for everything bad that happens is plain stupid and the sign of running out of arguments that make any modem of sense.
Spot on David!