SeaTac Public works project updates
map courtesy City of SeaTac
Fri, 09/27/2019
information from City of SeaTac
Military Road South and South 152nd Street
Improvements for this road reconstruction and safety project include construction of bike lanes, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, new pavement, installation of street lighting, upgraded and interconnected signalization with pedestrian crossings, construction of a right turn lane on Eastbound South 152nd Street, and the elimination of the skewed intersection at Tukwila International Boulevard and Military Road South. Johansen Construction Company started construction on June 24. Current work includes water service connections and installing storm drainage infrastructure.
Des Moines Memorial Drive South—South 128th Street to South 136th Street
This project will overlay Des Moines Memorial Drive South from South 128th Street to South 136th
Street. Pavement repair, storm drainage infrastructure, and traffic signal improvements are also included in the scope of work. Current work includes installing video detection equipment for traffic signals and restoration work. Click here for more information.
South 200th Street/Interstate 5 Southbound Metered Shoulder
The City of SeaTac Public Works Department is working in collaboration with the Washington State Department of Transportation to make improvements to the South 200th Street on-ramp. Construction crews will be widening the shoulder along the South 200th Street on-ramp to construct one metered lane and one peak-hour metered lane. In addition, crews will be improving drainage, signage, and lighting, and will also be relocating utilities. The metered shoulder ramp opened to traffic on August 28. The project is on suspension until permanent traffic signal pole and mast arm are delivered (anticipated January 2020). Click here for more information.
Des Moines Memorial Drive South and South 200th Street Intersection
Improvements for this intersection include construction of bike lanes, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, new pavement, installation of street lighting, a new traffic signal system with pedestrian crossings, left turn lanes for all approaches, and construction of a right turn lane on westbound South 200th Street. Construction bids were opened on August 29 with Rodarte Construction, Inc. being the lowest bidder. Approval to award the construction contract is scheduled for Council review and action at the September 24 Regular Council Meeting. Construction is anticipated to start by November this year.
34th Avenue South Project
This “Safe Routes to School” project includes construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, storm drainage facilities, installation of an enhanced crosswalk, pedestrian lighting, landscaping, and underground conversion of aerial utilities. Design and right-of-way acquisition are ongoing. The project is scheduled to start construction in 2020.
South 200th Street Shared-Use Path
This project includes building a new separated shared-use path along South 200th Street between 12th Place South and the Des Moines Creek Trailhead. The project will provide pedestrian connections to street improvements that will be constructed at the intersection of Des Moines Memorial Drive South and South 200th Street, and a connection to existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities accessing the Angle Lake Light Rail Station. Design and right-of-way acquisition are in progress. The project is scheduled to start construction in 2020.
So you want the city to put…
So you want the city to put in speed bumps on a main road? Should they put them down Pac Hwy too? Don't blame the city because you were hit by a car? You choose to live there and the traffic has been there so maybe you should move??
I would only say three…
I would only say three things to this post using common sense.
1. It is not fair to blame the City Council for you getting hit by a car considering that you or other the other driver were the ones at fault.
2. Regardless of the councils political affiliations one cannot disagree that the current city council has turned our fiscal status from red to black, a feat that not many other cities can manage to duplicate.
3. If you truly HATE this city so much perhaps it is time for you to move to another city more to your liking.
Unfortunately your overall comment comes across as the usual unsubstanciated claim to racism that now seems to be the norm for the radical left. Probably best just to start a campaign to impeach the mayor.
A satisfied resident of SeaTac
I live on s 200th st. My life and my family life is in jeopardy because of this useless city officials. They don't care our safety there is no any speed control system or any sign. But over all what to expect from trumpian mayor and all white council in a minority majority city. I got hit by car there at 200 and 32nd st recently while I complained non stop the last 5 years. I hate to live in this city.