Streamlined Design Review for 3 story 24 efficiency apts. set for 41st Ave SW ; No parking provided
Thu, 02/01/2018
A streamlined design review on the construction of 24 Small Efficiency Dwelling Units (SEDU) at 4807 41st Ave. SW is now on file with the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections.
That site is currently home to a multi-family house. The owner is Jeff Walker of Square One from Renton. The architect is Einar Novion.
Each unit in the proposed development would be 320 square feet.
The project's land use application was filed a year ago. It is project 3027259.
Based on the site plan no parking on site would be provided.
The full design proposal is available here.
The City of Seattle describes SEDU as:
Each small efficiency dwelling unit must have a minimum room size of 150 square feet and a full kitchen or kitchenette, and must meet the requirements in Director’s Rule 7-2016, Small Efficiency Dwelling Units .
Generally, congregate residences are only allowed in urban villages and urban centers in these zones:
- Neighborhood Commercial 3 (NC3)
- Midrise multifamily (MR)
- Highrise multifamily (HR)
- Seattle Mixed (SM)
- Commercial (C1)
- Downtown zones
The Director will accept written comments to assist in the preparation of the early design guidancethrough February 14, 2018. You are invited to offer comments regarding important site planning and design issues you believe should be addressed in the design of this project. Please note that this is the only opportunity to comment on this proposal.
Comments should be submitted to or
City of Seattle, SDCI, PRC
700 5th Avenue, Suite 2000
PO Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98124-4019
Following the public comment period, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections will issue a written design guidance report. This report will consider public comment and the applicable city-wide and neighborhood specific Design Guidelines and will serve as the basis for further review of the building permit. Once the applicant has incorporated the design guidance into the proposal they may apply for a building permit. No public notice of the building permit application will be provided.
For more information about this proposal or the Design Review Program and process, you may visit the Design Review Program website at, contact the Land Use Planner listed above, or visit our office at the address above. (We are open from 8 am to 4 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday and from 10:30 am to 4 pm Tuesday and Thursday.) Additional application documents for this proposal may be found at
Don’t overprice these! I’ve…
Don’t overprice these! I’ve been seeing these types of apartments going for just as much as something more livable and it’s terrible! Also, not offering some parking stalls to be purchased with the apartments monthly is pretty irresponsible by shoehorning a higher density complex into an already crowded neighborhood and offering no accommodation for vehicles.
West Seattle is so crowded!!…
West Seattle is so crowded!!! Most people I grew up with, including family, couldnt afford property taxes anymore, and have been forced to move out of their home town. Everyone also knows that West Seattle is being forced out of their cars and into public transportation. Fine and dandy when going to work Dowtown, but not to so many other areas such as the Eastside. West Seattle NEEDS PARKING, and most definitely AFFORDABILITY!!!! Cracker box living quarters really need cracker box prices!!!!!
Please have parking spaces in lower level! It is so difficult to find a parking space now! Cars are parked on both sides of the street, with no empty spaces!