Local psychic predicts Biden win; Marc Lainhart says it may not be without problems
Marc Lainhart is a local psychic-medium in West Seattle. He's predicting a win for Joe Biden in the presidential election.
photo by Patrick Robinson
Sat, 09/26/2020
Well known West Seattle psychic Marc Lainhart is predicting a win for Joe Biden in the Presidential election.
Whether you believe in metaphysical matters or not, Lainhart is an interesting man. Westside Seatttle profiled him in 2017
At that time he predicted some kind natural disaster might happen in 2019-2020 and it while it wasn't an earthquake, the failure of the West Seattle Bridge might come close to making that prediction feel valid.
He has strong feelings about the Presidential election.
"The numbers/astrology/intuition show a big win for Biden in both popular and electoral college. The problem may be Trump trying to stop the election and we may be faced with our first military coup d'etat or a reaction from those on the right who want a 2nd Civil War."
You can hear his thoughts on his podcast Inspired Living Radio here
Lainhart is an award-winning, internationally respected and British trained Spiritual Psychic-Medium.He is part of a weekly development group that discusses potential futures and more. You can visit his website here. http://www.marclainhart.com
He explained, "We have been talking and working on the in group for over a year now and some don't ”see” an election.The upcoming debate will show us a lot. Here is my podcast from Jan. 8th as I forecast what I call ”THE GREAT COMING TOGETHER!”
I do ”feel” Biden in sweeping fashion to become the 46th with his Numerology number of 2, which represents peace."
Let us not forget that it is…
Let us not forget that it is Trump who has consistently LIED about pretty much everything for the past five years....starting with his ridiculous charge of birtherism...even in the presence of a birth certificate....He now has the blood of 215,000 dead on his lying hands....He was told that COVID was deadly and did nothing about it for six months...He even called it a Democratic hoax....Well, this hoax has proven otherwise, including the clown in the White House....Are all of these dead and infected people a Democratic Hoax? He DID collude with Russia....He silenced the Mueller Report...His tax returns show that he is up to his neck in debt to the tune of 431 million dollars!!!...He has 22 women waiting for him to stop hiding in the Oval Office to charge him with sexual assault and rape. He has five children by three women (that we know of)...Trump tweets, plays golf and watches television....He's neither a Republican or Democrat....He is only Trump who displays his lack of intelligence on a daily basis....He had a failing television show and was given millions by Daddy...He lost all of it on bad investments...He tells us that he is the best business man but his casino's,, his hotels, his steaks, his fake university, his trump water, his trump wine, his trump airlines...all failed....He had to pay millions in damages in the fake university scheme....He failed again and again to pay people who worked for him...after the work was already completed....And he has put children including babies in cages after ripping them from their parents...He is a devious nasty foul-mouthed ignoramus who has failed at every single thing he has attempted, in his life.. He even has difficulty with spelling small words...admits to never reading and has refused to attend dialy briefings....He cannot be compared in the same sentence as someone as accomplished as President Obama....Try sticking to facts...It's not that difficult...How about all of the trumpers who refused to wear masks just like trump, and then came down with COVID and died...Perhaps on their tombstones, it should read "I should have worn a mask..." Just think Herman Cain.
Well Put!!
Well Put!!
sounds like you are talking…
sounds like you are talking about Biden/Obama
Bravo! You nailed it. I…
Bravo! You nailed it. I keep wondering when America will wake up and realize we're in a world of hurt with tRump in the White House. I genuinely fear that American democracy will not survive another four years of this greedy, power mad, ignorant man. I just hope and pray that my new great granddaughter will be able to grow up in a democracy. I was born into WWII. The good guys won. Let's hope they'll win this one.
Agree! tRump has to go! He…
Agree! tRump has to go! He is a tragedy of a President. Just plain evil and wicked. We need to him out of our White House!
Yep! Pack it up. It’s time…
Yep! Pack it up. It’s time to go. Your tv show is being cancelled and your new show will not have a mask but an orange suit that will go with your orange hair and cover up make up. Oh that’s right! No beauty treatments in jail. Your new tv show. Live it up Donny! No Emmy for the next run or Novel Prize! You’re done!
President trump is not evil…
President trump is not evil.
I wish republicans and democrats could work together.trump is one of the Best president the USA ever had.And you dammies blame everything on him.shame on you
The looting rioting are from the dammiekrayos organized to get rid of trump.shame on you all
The Biden "dirt" has yet to…
The Biden "dirt" has yet to be confirmed and in fact is pretty quickly being debunked. What do the "emails" say? What crimes were committed? What did Joe do? This is a completely manufactured story. Obviously. The timing, the "leaving" of a laptop with sensitive information in a New York computer store that was then "forgotten" and had no security or password.. It's just ridiculous. https://www.thedailybeast.com/chinese-billionaires-network-hyped-hunter…
Oh honey..you got it wrong…
Oh honey..you got it wrong this time. Trump will be reelected.
All of these comments are so…
All of these comments are so full of shit, it's mind boggling.
All these idiots grasping at…
All these idiots grasping at straws about the Iraq war. We literally had just been attacked by terrorists on our own soil. The majority of congressmen and citizens believe Iraq was the right thing to do. Was it? Hell no, but using that as some sort of justification is just stupid. Trump has created a vacuum in other countries by removing troops, measures even his top commander disagreed with, and that opens us up to more vulnerability. Trump is a threat to our country and our democracy.
Under what rock are you…
Under what rock are you living that you think the Biden laptop is becoming quickly debunked?
I cannot fathom how so many have lost such a grip with reality. It truly is frightening!
If I were able to see the…
If I were able to see the future I would say that Trump will lose to Biden, Trump will go to jail with his adult children, his wife or he will declare divorcing like what happened with his other wives, he will defect to Russia, Biden will succeed by saving America with progressive policies, and maskless bTrump will get reinfected with the coronavirus, the International community will convict Trump of crimes against humanity, people will believe more in their creator and not depend on corrupt ministers to be their saviors, alot of this has to do with what happened in the past forsees what the future brings.
Whomever submitted the above…
Whomever submitted the above referenced rant desperately needs either an adjustment of medication or a serious review of the state oh their mental illness. We can all see the value in progressive mindsets and actions by viewing the looting, burning and killing being perpetrated in American cities by these progressive saviors. You are all welcome to leave this country and reside in a utopian world of progressivism such as China or Cuba. But make no mistake! The Patriots if this country will NEVER allow you to remove our greatest president or our hard won way if life. Get ready for a real resistance, the like of which you soft, mindless parasites are not prepared to encounter!
Trump's mission was to…
Trump's mission was to infiltrate and aquire secret intelligence from our nation and provide it to Russia. Trump in his last moments is trying to fulfill that debt to Putan.
"Hey Putan help me win the election against this awful women Hillary and ill share some great intelligence with you", "You won't believe your eyes Putan, Im telling you its gonna be great".
Tha reminds me of the Wonka loyalty and nobility test. Don't share the secrets of the everlasting gobstopper with Mr slugworth (Putan).
I mean what do you think this overhaul of our national security is and by way of a pentagon take over? Putan is still awaiting something credible and his patience looks to be wearing thin. The clock is ticking. Trump needs something to bring to the table to Putan before he can get immunity into Russia ( his citizenship). Trump is not the top dog you may believe him to be. He is the not so smart pawn to many. Behind the scene bigots fans are manipulating him. Putan is manipulating him. Some kkk wannabee Republican senators are manipulating him. His son in law "Kush" is his manipulating puppet master. Trump loyalist know that if they make trump feel loved like a super star while rubbing and scratching his head, then he will obey like a dog for accolades or praise bones. He will never bite the hand that feeds him unless those treats of praises stop coming. On twitter or instagram "You'll be FIRED".
Trump as if to be a pre-K child has destroyed this Lego land (The nation) with a tantrum of a kick tearing part of it down.
Trump refusal to leave to serve his consequential time out for being horrible is wearing us down. Republicans want New world Order. Putan furiously awaits his intelligence briefing for an election heist gone well in 2016. The American people want a true political experienced adult in office (not Trump). The world wants this damned virus gone. Many country's around the world wish for America to lead by example again. Who are we as a nation? The Divided States of America??
Hell No! We are not perfect but we are strong. Only together are we UNITED. If we fight amongst ourselves then others will fight together against us. We shall then be seen as the weakest nation who self destructed over Integrity, respect, honour and lack of love. A dumb ass civil war will only add to our death toll. We united are the salt of the earth. Break us up and we turn as wormwood nasty and deadly to swallow. Its time for change so let it happen.
I am a Republican who voted…
I am a Republican who voted for Mike Dewine in Ohio. All I know is that Trump better back up and watch who he is talking to and threatening on the sligh.
You have to wonder about…
You have to wonder about Americans who support a man who can't tell the truth. Trump lies constantly. And he basically avoided removal by impeachment because Trump's lawyers would not let him testify -- because the lawyers were afraid Trump would have lie under oath (just a he lies -- every day of his life -- about almost everything).
I'm a Reagan Republican. I loved Ronald Reagan. He was one of our best recent Presidents. But Trump is not a Republican. In fact, the reason Trump lost is not because the far left hates Trump. Moderates hate / dislike him too. Trump lost by almost 6 million votes because most of votes were votes AGAINST Trump. Not for Biden.
Most people simply have had enough of this lying sack of horse manure.
People need to get real…
People need to get real about Trump. He called the military servicemen who died in battle suckers and losers until he needed military votes then he morphed into a patriot and people bought that manipulation. He uses people for his purposes. He throws out a comment about Democrats and everyone laps it up like milk. "There going to turn this country communist. They are the looters". There is no evidence that the looters were democrats but you bought that lie. All of his baseless claims about the election, he has taken into court and lost because of lack of evidence. In other words he throws out these claims to get people riled up and they do. He knows there is no evidence of it. In fact there is evidence of Lindsay Graham pressuring his republican secretary of state to lose votes, but they don't want to discuss that. Evidence and facts don't matter to them. Why would you let anyone control you like that? People need to calm down. It is really about what is going on inside each person that needs to heal. That is what is really being revealed: if they think they are better than someone else, another race, sex, if they feel like they aren't worth much, etc. They are being triggered. Unhealed stuff is coming to the surface through all of this. A lot of these people are easy to manipulate. He appeals to their fear to get votes. Trumps lies are so easy to prove if you want to. So is his corruption. He acts like he can go rogue with laws, procedures, etc. and make it up to suit himself as he goes along. He fires anyone who isn't a yes man and goes along with that. He is sexist, racist, a liar, a tax evader, gives tax cuts to the wealthy. We all have to live here together. We need to stop this division. What do we want the future to look like. I am not talking about the president. It really is not about the president. What anger do you need to heal inside of you? What hate, fear, shame, etc.
I'm also a Republican, and…
I'm also a Republican, and unfortunately I voted for Trump four years ago. Thought he'd be different. Give him a try, I thought. How bad could he be?
Well he's been pretty bad. I really don't like being lied to. In short, Trump's a lying sack of "you know what." I really hope the Southern District of New York prosecutes Trump and anyone in his family that has committed crimes. The Trump organization borders on being something like a criminal organization -- and with the Rico Act, Trump may actually spend some time in jail, and Trump knows it.
Trump turned out to be the worst President we have ever had. Trump's a criminal who's apparently gotten away with "murder" his entire life.
Right now I want to know …
Right now I want to know from folks who say and believe President Trump is the greatest president. What come to mind that make you believe this to be true?
So did many political…
So did many political experts . I know a number of leftist political articles that predicted the win and possible coup . He basically stole the civil war election idea from multiple political publications . See , I can mislead people and claim to be a psychic too. I won’t because it is ethically wrong .
interesting how the…
interesting how the challengers to any criticism of Trump always deflect in their answers with some crazed ideological stance but never give an alternate version so in other words their moral compass is bent so far they support a horror show rather than be wrong.
Trump is evil. 300K…
Trump is evil. 300K Americans dead. If you voted for this despicable monster you should be ashamed. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead and Trump has blood on his hands. And let’s not forget the children who died in ICE custody after being separated from their parents. Tell me Trump supporters how will you defend these actions by the Trump administration? SHAME ON ALL OF YOU! THANK GOD BIDEN WON!
Hello out there AGAIN!!! Congress and the people were being lied to. Anyone taking this post seriously needs to remember that! We were all (ALL) deceived! Biden has always been a man of peace and all the sensationalist reporters and authors need to PAY ATTENTION!!! Obama chose Biden for his expertise. Noe delivered And should get credit for his successes!