White Center Chamber sets goals on lights, cash, trash, and crime
The White Center Chamber of Commerce met at Miss Sheryl's Ballet on March 7 to address action items for the recently revived community organization.
Photo by Patrick Robinson
Wed, 03/07/2018
The recently revitalized White Center Chamber of Commerce got about the business of setting goals and moving forward in their March 7 meeting with an emphasis on powering their efforts by first gaining access to funds in bank accounts that had been essentially abandoned two years ago when the Chamber went dormant. Two accounts at different banks require the board of directors to sign a form and numerous hands went up to help get the accounts re-opened and made active.
That's vital as a first step to address the other issues the community is dealing with.
Lighting in White Center
Primary among those is the question of street lighting. Chamber President Sheryl Clinton said that "I've confirmed that all the lights are LED and won't be changed." The question of additional lighting, possibly solar powered that might fill in dark spots came up. Pedestrian lights cost between $1800 to $4900 per unit and lighting over a cross walk runs between $10,000 and $42,000, well beyond the ability of the Chamber to afford. Still Clinton said she spoke to City Light and that were going to trim trees near existing lights to help improve some lighting.
Next up was garbage that collects not just in the 13 public cans on 15th, 16th and 17th SW but litter and refuse just left wherever. The Chamber is looking at a $300 month fee from a private contractor to collect the trash once a week and hopes to have the County assist in ongoing trash removal. Once the cash flow situation is clearer a more regular plan can be made.
Broken Windows
Windows of businesses have been getting broken with 13 windows getting smashed in the past 10 months on 16th SW, repeatedly. "The Sheriff actually arrested someone," Clinton said," and said 'his thing' is breaking windows, but they just let him out and he broke Rat City Tattoo's and others including the King County Library's window."
"Full Tilt Ice Cream got hit a week ago and from what Justin (owner) told me it was a woman this time not a man. She got three warnings and after the third time she broke the window. Justin is furious, Mike from Proletariat Pizza is furious... obviously we're all ticked. We need to start applying pressure to the Sheriff."
The idea of a group insurance policy was proposed and Aaron Garcia of the White Center Community Development Association said he would look into it.
Private security is being sought with a four hour block of time on Friday and Saturday evenings in which an off duty police officer would be paid to keep an eye on things in the area. A quote on this is forthcoming.
King County Sheriff Walk and Talk April 6
New King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanecht will be park of a Walk and Talk tour of the community April 6. The public is invited. The tour will start at Noble Barton at 9:30am with a half hour discussion. At 10am the walk will begin on a route still being determined by Aaron Garcia and Aaron Goss of the bike shop.
The question of violent crime near the Taradise Cafe location on 16th SW was raised, since three murders have taken place there in the last 8 months but it was agreed that the Cafe itself was not to blame and that the owner Tara Scott should be encouraged to attend upcoming Chamber meetings to get her perspective and to offer her help should she need it.
Business development and events
The Chamber is working on locating a combination farmers/flea market, likely on Saturday and new White Center landlord Adam Heimstadt who took over the large building at 9825 16th SW said he would be interested in possibly hosting such an event in the parking lot on 17th SW. Plans for the building are still in the works but Heimstadt is the owner of bars The Unicorn and the Narwhal on Pike Street in downtown Seattle. He's in the process of demolishing the building interior as he prepares it for his new as yet unnamed venture.
The Chamber said they would be painting a mural in the alley between 16th SW and 15th SW and are working on Touch A Truck (with the first hour silent for sensitive children) an event in which trucks from all kinds of industries are brought in so children can have the experience of seeing and touching them. Other fund raising ideas were floated including a pancake festival, and a community wide garage sale.
The community website www.VisitWhiteCenter.com is being revamped with the help of the WCCDA and new photos are being taken.
Thank you all for your hard work! Please let the community know how we can support your efforts.