Forty townhomes are proposed by Habitat for Humanity on the 500 block of 136th South in Burien.
A 9 building forty townhome demonstration project is being proposed for the 500 block of 136th S by Habitat for Humanity and Cone Architecture. The proposal includes associated parking and landscape areas and will require a lot line adjustment to combine 3 lots into one. That's being processed now.
The proposed development includes 40 affordable townhouse units (typically 3 bedroom 1 ½ bath) across 9 structures and 43 onsite parking spaces. Two units will be accessible and include access ramps and parking. Each unit will have a designated outdoor area in either the front or back of the unit (or both) for use by the residents. There will also be a community center and open space. The homes will be provided in a mix of 2-level townhomes and 3-level multi-family structures that will be clustered around the community center. The site contains a Type F (fish bearing) stream, two Type III wetlands, and is partially treed. The applicant has provided biologist reports and an arborist report, and critical areas and trees have been considered in the design of the project.
The sale of the homes will be restricted to individuals and families with incomes at an average of 50 percent of the area median incomes across the project. They use a land trust model to ensure permanent affordability of the housing units for the community.
Environmental Review
SEPA Checklist, Biologist Report, Arborist Report, Geotechnical Report
For this proposal, the City of Burien is using the “optional Determination of Non Significance (DNS) process” under the State Environmental Policy Act (WAC 197-11-355). The City expects to issue a DNS for the proposal. Individuals who submit timely written comments to the City (as indicated below) will become parties of record and will be notified of any decision and environmental determination made on this project. A copy of any decision and environmental determination made on this project may also be obtained upon request. The decision on the proposal and environmental determination, once made, may be appealed. All documents submitted or requested as part of this application are available for review at City Hall during regular business hours.
Review Process and Public Comment
Public Meeting
The decision on this application will be made by the Community Development Director. Prior to the decision, there is an opportunity for the public to submit written comments. Written comments must be received prior to 5:00 pm on March 19, 2021. Send written comments to the project planner at the address or email below. Please indicate your name and address and refer to the file indicated above. Only people who submitted comments as indicated above may appeal the decision on this application.
A community meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. You are welcome to join this meeting to hear about the project, ask questions, and provide comments. Contact the project planner listed below for a link to the Zoom meeting.
Featured Page on the project
The City of Burien has created a web page that features the project here.

Please note that the headline states SW 136th St, but the article states S 136th St. SW 136th would indicate west of 1st Ave S, and S 136th would indicate east of 1st Ave S. Around here, everyone is always asking for clarification of S or SW.