Highline Times - News

Mon, 04/15/13

Press release:

Beginning Monday, April 15, Sea-Tac Airport neighbors can offer formal comment on the draft Federal Aviation Administration Part 150 Noise and Land-Use Compatibility Study and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review…MORE

Mon, 04/15/13

Clearly Burien citizens are now seeing what appears to be the "old boys city staff network giving contracts to their friends".

The City Manager is now proposing (see page 97 of the Burien City council Packet for April 15, 2013) giving an…MORE

Sat, 04/13/13

Due to a computer glitch, some who clicked into this story were not able to read its contents, or portions of it. We fixed the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you. ------------------------

Back in 1990, Westmark…MORE

Sat, 04/13/13

UPDATE WEDNESDAY APRIL 17 The whale was towed off the Seahurst Park beach about 11 p.m. last night to an undisclosed location.


Burien has arranged with NOAA and West Seattle-based Global Diving and Salvage…MORE

Fri, 04/12/13

The athleticism of two Chief Sealth High School soccer players have earned them a place on the roster of a statewide team representing the U.S. to compete against Central and South American teams in San Jose, Costa Rica, May 8 to 17. But wait...…MORE

Thu, 04/11/13

The public will get a better chance to be heard at SeaTac council meetings but citizens may be speaking later in the evening.

SeaTac lawmakers unanimously changed council procedures April 9 to allow public comment at study sessions and on…MORE

Thu, 04/11/13

Press release:

The City of Tukwila’s Mayor and the Tukwila Metropolitan Park District’s Board of Commissioners will complete to become the first Tukwila Citizen to “Walk the Plank” or maybe they’ll choose to do a cannonball into Tukwila’s…MORE

Thu, 04/11/13

Odyssey – The Essential School is one of the three high schools on the Tyee Educational Complex on S. 188th St. in SeaTac and occupies the westernmost building. The other two are the Academy of Citizenship and Empowerment (ACE) and Global…MORE

Thu, 04/11/13

While the anticipated return of the NBA Sonics is still a jump ball, an expansion team from the NBBA league should arrive in Seattle shortly. The NBBA is the National Beep Baseball Association, and although it may not garner the same excitement…MORE

Thu, 04/11/13

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The North SeaTac BMX track at North SeaTac Park officially opened Saturday, April 6. The track is just west of the SeaTac Community Center and Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden, and a mere…MORE

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