Highline Times - News

Wed, 01/09/13

Update: The meeting time has been switched from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

The Port of Seattle Commission’s January 22nd regular meeting will include an update on Sea-Tac Airport’s Part 150 Noise Study.

The update will include information…MORE

Wed, 01/09/13

King County is looking for more Earth Heroes like Sandy Zimmermann, a student at Highline Big Picture High School in Burien, who initiated a trash audit that led to her role in expanding the school’s recycling program. She also organized a pep…MORE

Wed, 01/09/13

Dear SeaTac City Council,

In last night's Council comments at the end of the meeting un-elected Mayor Tony Anderson stated that just because a lawsuit is filed does not mean the city has done anything wrong.

Wrong in whose eyes?…MORE

Wed, 01/09/13

We sent photographer Jerry Gay to Burien’s Three Tree Point on New Year’s Day to document this year’s Polar Bear Plunge.

In the first photo, the kids look like they are having fun while the adults look a little more skeptical.


Wed, 01/09/13

Dee Woodbery, left, Elda Behm’s daughter, and Natalie Ross, Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden board member, help dedicate an interpretive sign for the Elda Behm Paradise Garden.

Ross designed the sign and led the implementation. Behm’s…MORE

Wed, 01/09/13

Thanks to Three Tree Point reader Marco Spani for spotting this old Highline Times cartoon in the new Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI) exhibit.

The cartoon first ran March 6, 1958 in response to a proposed tax levy for the South…MORE

Tue, 01/08/13

Trailers Recovered in WII-U Thefts- Games Still Missing

King County Sheriff’s detectives said that two trailers and a box truck that were reported stolen from SeaTac on December 16th and were loaded with 7,000 WII-U game consoles have…MORE

Tue, 01/08/13

By all indications, the apartment was selected at random.

Two young men armed with handguns equipped with laser pointers were waiting at the base of a set of stairs in unincorporated King County, east of White Center and just north of…MORE

Tue, 01/08/13

Update Trailers Recovered in WII-U Thefts- Games Still Missing (King County Sheriff's Office press release)

SeaTac detectives said that two trailers and a box truck that were reported stolen from SeaTac on December 16th and were loaded…MORE

Tue, 01/08/13

With the absence of council members Joan McGilton and Gerald Robison at the Jan. 7 Burien City Council meeting, Rose Clark was replaced by Lucy Krakowiak as deputy mayor.

Councilmember Jack Block Jr. nominated Krakowiak while Mayor Brian…MORE

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