KING 5 Morning News anchor Mark Wright and Safeway employee and Special Olympian Caleb Dorris celebrate their win of the Easter Seals of Washington Celebrity Bagging Contest on April 1. The event is meant to draw attention to Austism Awareness Month and bring momentum to the fundraising effort led by Safeway Stores. According to Safeway they have already raised more than $245,000 in the campaign.
KING5 News, Easter Seals of Washington, Special Olympics of Washington and Safeway Stores teamed up on April 1 to hold their annual Celebrity Bagging Contest to start Autism Awareness Month.
Morning News anchor Mark Wright (back for his 2nd year), Traffic reporter Tracy Taylor (last year's winner) and Meteorologist Rich Marriott (his first year) were on hand and in partnership with Special Olympics competitors who are also Safeway employees. Safeway employs more than 300 Special Olympians.
As it turned out, the winning team was Mark Wright and Caleb Dorris, followed by Rich Marriott and Annie Thomas and Tracy Taylor and Lisa Burke.
The goal was to not just be fast but to show some "TLC" and be efficient as well. The Wright/Dorris team were awarded mini shopping cart trophies and a check for $1000 to go toward their store's total contribution to Easter Seals. Marriott and Thomas got $750 and Taylor and Burke got $500.
Safeway stores has already raised $245,000 for Easter Seals, simply by letting people donate at checkout. That campaign continues for the rest of the month of April.