LETTER: Not a hypocrite
Mon, 04/22/2013
I do not usually do much writing to any paper, but I felt very strongly that I needed to respond to David S. Gooding, Normandy Park.
I am not a hypocrite. I'm a woman saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. I am not perfect, but I do read the Bible daily and believe it to be the inspired Word of God.
I also try to live my life according to His perfect will. Up until very recent years, the majority of the people believed marriage to be between a man and a woman. I believe God's Word, the Bible states pretty clearly that God made woman for man because He said "it is not good for man to be alone." If you read the whole Bible, you will also know that God put Adam to sleep, took a rib from him and made "woman - Genesis 21-24." It is really a very beautiful portion of Scripture.
Now in regards to abortion. God does say that you shall not murder--one of the ten commandments. Every life is precious to Him. I can understand why some look at the fetus as just a lump of tissues; I understand, but I don't agree.
God began creating these little ones right from the moment of inception and breathed the breath of life into them. But then, many were not satisfied to take the life when it was as they call it "a lump of tissues). Now they want to take that life when it is very close to being born. That IS murder plain and simple. That baby is in the mother, but it is not her body.
You want me to prove that God speaks to me? I don't have to prove it. He proves it to me by His Spirit. If you believed and accepted His Word, He would speak to you also.
It is totally up to you how much God speaks to you. He won't waste His time trying to talk with an unbeliever unless that person comes with a repentant heart.
Judy Boswell