LETTER: Don't miss this opportunity
Mon, 10/27/2014
By Jack Bermingham
It is vital for our local communities and their economic development to pass the Highline School District
Bond Measure in order to ensure that schools have the capacity to support students. Invest in safe,
healthy and modern school buildings for all students.
Schools that were excellent in their day are now in dire need of repair. All of our children deserve a
positive learning environment rather than rundown, ill-equipped classrooms.
The School District under the leadership of Susan Enfield has worked hard at forming partnerships to
leverage all possible resources on behalf of students. She has re-invigorated her colleagues in providing
pathways that encourage students to be prepared to take college-level classes when they arrive at
Highline College.
However, Highline School District can only do so much without the financial support from the
communities that it serves. Now is the time to support our schools.
The Highline School District is running out of space for our growing student population and is challenged
by obsolete infrastructure that prevents the use of current technology. The Bond will fund a much
improved physical learning environment.
Highline College benefits from strong collaboration with the school district to make movement between
the schools and the college for our students as seamless as possible. Students are advantaged by
opportunities that are created when the schools and the college function well together.
The District has several effective collaborations with Highline College including: Gateway to College,
Running Start, Achieve, and Drop-Out Recovery. These program’s names may not be familiar in every
household, but their impact on the community remains significant.
Although the Bond Measure does not go directly toward funding our partnership, it supports capacity
and quality for Highline School District. From my experience, Susan Enfield and her team have earned
your support.
Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in the future of our communities and our children.
Jack Bermingham
Dr. Jack Bermingham is president of Highline College.