West Seattle - News

Mon, 05/18/15

Duwamish Longhouse Event Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center 4705 W. Marginal Way S.W. 206.431.1582 or www.duwamishtribe.org Sat., May 23, 1-3 p.m. Academic Elders: New books by Ken Tollefson and Vi Hilbert, with Jay Miller & Lois…MORE

Mon, 05/18/15

By Pat Cashman

There was very nearly an ugly confrontation at a Fred Meyer store the other day---it’s fortunate old Fred wasn’t there to see it.

Two guys who apparently had never met before came face-to-face in the frozen…MORE

Mon, 05/18/15

Hundreds of protestors massed on Spokane Street early Monday, May 19 to protest the plans by Shell Oil to drill in the Arctic Ocean this summer using the Polar Pioneer exploratory drilling rig that arrived at Seattle's Terminal 5 last week. In a…MORE

Sat, 05/16/15

information from the West Seattle Garden Tour

The West Seattle Garden Tour celebrates the Art of Gardening’s 21st Anniversary this year. Our renown garden tour, showcasing eight spectacular NW residential gardens in West Seattle, will take…MORE

Sat, 05/16/15

Thousands of kayaktivists took to the water on Elliott Bay to protest against Shell's massive oil drilling rig, The Polar Pioneer on May 16, 2015. People from sHellNo.org, Greenpeace, and other organizations as well as many media outlets from…MORE

Sat, 05/16/15

The third annual West Seattle Bee Festival in the Highpoint neighborhood saw a healthy, turnout of families and lots of kids (and others) in full bee regalia, who buzzed around the park to visit information booths, learn more about bees and…MORE

Sat, 05/16/15

The 16th annual Gala & Auction themed Illumination is set for June 6 at the Seattle Design Center

The evening will include: Cocktail Auction & Silent Auction, Dinner, Dessert Dash Exciting Live Auction Featuring VIP experiences,…MORE

Fri, 05/15/15

The third annual West Seattle Bee Festival is set to take place in the Highpoint neighborhood on Saturday May 16 with a run, educational activities, a lunch box cook off, tours of the West Seattle Bee enclosure and more.

Here's the list…MORE

Fri, 05/15/15

The third annual West Seattle Bee Festival is set to take place in the Highpoint neighborhood on Saturday May 16 with a run, educational activities, a lunch box cook off, tours of the West Seattle Bee enclosure and more.

Here's the list…MORE

Fri, 05/15/15

information from Vigor Seattle

The 14,000-long ton capacity drydock Vigilant that will support hundreds of family-wage industrial jobs at Vigor Industrial’s shipyard on Harbor Island is scheduled to arrive in Elliott Bay late Saturday or…MORE

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