West Seattle - News

Thu, 09/27/12

press release: The Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) Large Project Program is now accepting applications for the third and final round of funding from the voter-approved Bridging the Gap (BTG) Transportation levy. This levy, adopted by voters in…MORE

Thu, 09/27/12

press release: The Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project is nearly complete, which means that motorists are encountering only a handful of project related lane closures. Listed below are the project related traffic impacts for the coming week…MORE

Thu, 09/27/12

by Beverly Holmquist Corey

WSHS's Homecoming Football Game is set for this Friday, Sept 28 at 7pm at the Southwest Athletic Complex against Rainier Beach.

All students, families and alumni are invited to join the fun starting at 6pm…MORE

Wed, 09/26/12

The West Seattle Water Taxi will add a sailing from downtown Seattle for the Cougars vs Ducks football game this Saturday, September 29.

In addition to the regularly scheduled 10:30 pm sailing from Pier 50 to Seacrest dock, they will add…MORE

Wed, 09/26/12

The 70th anniversary of Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra (SYSO), one of the oldest arts organizations in Seattle and the largest youth orchestra training program in the United States is the focus for a benefit event at Salty's on Alki Beach,…MORE

Wed, 09/26/12

The Seattle Police Department now makes it possible to track crimes down to your neighborhood using social media tool Twitter with Tweets by Beat.

You can follow or view a Twitter feed of police dispatches in each of Seattle’s 51 police…MORE

Tue, 09/25/12

West Seattle Nursery in cooperation with City Fruit is holding a benefit event for that organization called Every Apple Has It's Day! Sunday, September 30, 2012, from 12pm to 4pm They are billing it as "an Apple Harvest and Cider Press Event to…MORE

Tue, 09/25/12

Open for nearly two years, the Wingdome, in the West Seattle Junction is set to close its doors Sunday September 30. Here's our story about the opening.http://www.westseattleherald.com/2010/10/11/news/slideshow-wingdome-get…


Tue, 09/25/12

Seattle Parks and Rec press release

Seattle Parks and Recreation is seeking nominations for the Denny Awards, which honor volunteer service to the city’s parks system. The deadline for nominations is Monday, Oct. 15, 2012.


Tue, 09/25/12

Holding signs that declared “Arbor Heights Can’t Wait” and wearing yellow t-shirts signed by the youth of Arbor Heights Elementary, well over 30 parents, teachers and students of the worn down West Seattle school made their case clearly to…MORE

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