West Seattle - News

Tue, 02/14/12

Meeting for the first time at Vietnamese restaurant Pho My Loi just off 106th s.w. the White Center Chamber of Commerce meeting for Feb. 14 the organization took care of the vote for new board members (installation is March 13) and announced…MORE

Tue, 02/14/12

The Washington State Dairy Ambassador Shannon Rodeffer brought a three week old calf to Roxhill Elementary school on Valentines Day, Feb, 14 to share with the students the story of dairy’s farm-to-table journey and the benefits of dairy and…MORE

Tue, 02/14/12


Highline School Board Selects Three Finalists for Superintendentt

The School Board has named three finalists in its search for a new superintendent.

Dr. Susan Enfield

Dr. Susan…MORE

Tue, 02/14/12

Dr. Susan Enfield, Interim Superintendent for Seattle Public Schools has appointed a new principal for the K-5-STEM program at Boren. She shared the news in a letter to the families of students on Tuesday, Feb. 14.

Dear Seattle Public…MORE

Mon, 02/13/12

The still new Admiral District business association took further steps on Monday Feb. 13 to get better organized as they elected their first official slate of officers and heard a presentation about visitors to the area from the Office of…MORE

Mon, 02/13/12

By Patrick Robinson and David Rosen

The Trader Joes grocery store under construction at 4545 Fauntleroy Way s.w., now 2 years in the making will likely open in mid-April according to what employees are being told. Several of the Burien…MORE

Mon, 02/13/12

Press release

The city of Seattle is enlisting community organizations in the effort to help close the digital divide in Seattle, especially for vulnerable residents. Technology Matching Fund grants up to $20,000 are available for projects…MORE

Mon, 02/13/12

Discovery Shop 4535 California Ave. S.W. 206 937 7169 All items with yellow tags are $1.00 Monday, February 20th through the end of the month.  The Shop will be closed Sunday, February 19th so we can prepare for our semi-annual antiques and…MORE

Sun, 02/12/12

More than 500 people were part of the 11th Annual WestSide Baby Benefit Tea on Feb 12, helping to raise more than $172,000 to fund the charitable agency. That number is a new record said Executive Director Nancy Woodland. "It's a huge record…MORE

Sun, 02/12/12

The services for Alki Lumber owner Jim Sweeney were held Sept. 12 at Our Lady of Guadalupe church and the event was so crowded those in attendance said they had never seen the church so full, with estimates of more than 850 people attending the…MORE

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