

Wed, 03/24/10

Written from notes after a visit in Burien on July 2nd 2009 on the occasion of my father Thomas Sieverts speaking in Burien.

I remember the unbelievable story of an invisible lake in the center of a town called Burien. There was no public…MORE


Tue, 03/23/10

She moves across the room with the grace of a ballet dancer, carefully opening a dark mahogany cabinet.

From pristine glass shelves Gladys lifts a small decorated egg. "I've made a thousand of these," she says proudly.

The colorful…MORE

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Wed, 03/17/10

In the newspapers and on television there has been a great deal of coverage of the latest “motion” to improve schools.

Let’s fire the principal; he/she has to be the reason for this failure! The presumption is that a different principal…MORE

Tue, 03/16/10

There's nothing quite like a crinkling, printed, newspaper feel and sound with today's local news-- and a good cup of coffee.

Choices are many in our media machine-operated world. Consider the addicting computers, television news with fine…MORE


Tue, 03/16/10

Norma Mayfield had a good view of the checkout stands at Fred Meyer from the bench in front of the kid's play area. When I sat down next her, I introduced myself as publisher of the local paper.

Norma is a statuesque beauty with a great…MORE

Thu, 03/11/10

Shhhhhhh…It’s the library.

Shhhhhhh…The King Conservation District Board election is this Tuesday but…shhhhhhh…It’s at the library. Shhhhhhh…you are not mailed a ballot…shhhhhhh…you have to go in person to the downtown Seattle or Des…MORE


Wed, 03/10/10

By Kirk Prindle, candidate for King Conservation District Board of Supervisors

Vote in the King Conservation District Board election this Tuesday, March 16 at the Downtown library…shhhhhh.

Shhhhhhh…it’s at the library.


Mon, 03/08/10

All my life I have tried to refine my language to match my beliefs.

I particularly dislike bragging language. In a time of hoping for peace in the world after trillions spent on warring outside our shores, bragging does not endear our…MORE

Mon, 03/08/10

We can all be misled by slick marketing and propaganda.

I would have thought that couldn't possibly happen to me, critical thinker that I pride myself in being. But I have been seriously misinformed by well-credentialed experts who had my…MORE

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Sat, 03/06/10

Recently our school board met with the District’s attorney to review the legal implications that are involved in the appeals hearings that they conduct for students who have been expelled, had a hearing with a paid hearing officer, and wish to…MORE

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