November 2005

She informs Des Moines

A big rave to Earline Byers for her recent column informing us of Milluzzo's By The Water's grand opening celebration at the Marina in Des Moines. If it had not been for her column, we would have missed out on a terrific spaghetti dinner, wine tasting and our own Joey Jewell in his great impersonations of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.

Thanks again, Earline, for keeping us informed in Des Moines.

Frank and Jeanette Jones

Des Moines


A defense for Steenrod

Maggie Steenrod is an honest person who cares about people and cares about the City of Des Moines. As long as I have known Maggie, which has been 15-plus years, she has been a person who works hard in serving others.

She founded the non-profit Des Moines Dollars for Scholars. She has been in charge of the St. Vincent de Paul in this area for many years and has run a private business successfully.

Maggie Steenrod wants to make Des Moines the great city it should be. She wants to make getting building permits easier.


Tukwila fire destroys two-story home

Tukwila firefighters responding to a house fire in the 4900 block of S. 114th St. at 3:31 a.m. Nov. 4 found a man lying in the yard as they were setting up their hoses.

The 50-year-old man, who suffered smoke inhalation, was transported to Group Health Hospital by King County Medic I.

The two-story wood-frame house that was a total loss. Damage estimates and the cause of the fire were unknown at press time.

Heavy winds carried large embers away from the burning structure, which concerned firefighters.


English/Spanish faulted

I was called for jury duty recently. The defendant was a Mexican with a DUI. He had to have an interpreter. (How did he get his license?) They called 25-30 people [for jury duty]. This is a waste of tax money. A judge could handle this.

But the last straw was when I received a notice, by the city of Burien, of a meeting at Sylvester Middle School on Oct. 26. One side of the notice was in English and the other in Spanish.

Now I have lived in Burien since the streetcar went to Seahurst. I have paid money in taxes for schools, roads, sewers, etc.


Neighbors work to improve 14th Ave.

Efforts by a group of residents to improve conditions on 14th Avenue Northwest have largely focused on the streets design and up-keep that they believe poses a safety threat to drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists, though statistically, the city doesn't see the avenue as particularly dangerous.

Peter Locke, a leader of the movement to improve the street, said residents are concerned about the lack of visibility related to cars parked in the wide median at the middle of the street.

Lack of median maintenance has caused overgrown weeds, also making it difficult to see and av


Gifts for Nigerians instead of oil money

Ballard resident Susan Partnow is traveling to Nigeria later this month as part of a local delegation to help open a new library in the Ijaw village of Oporoza.

She will join a group of 16 others brought together by Seattle-based Global Citizen Journey (GCJ) whose goal is build understanding, peace and friendship among different cultures of the world.

GCJ delegates work on service projects, hold workshops and dialogue, and do other work while establishing grassroots relationships with the people they visit.

Last month, Partnow was in Oporoza to attend the groun
