March 2006

Governor to honor historic Beach Park

It’s the birthplace of Des Moines and now it’s official in Washington D.C.! Even our Gov. Christine Gregoire is coming to Beach Park to celebrate this historic moment -- and you’re invited.

“The history of Beach Park mirrors the history of so many of Washington’s unique places,” the governor said. “It is a story of community pride ”

On Friday, April 14, at 10:30 a.m. Gov.


Parent makes plea to save band at Tyee

(Editor's note: The following letter was sent to Hisghline Schools Superintendent John Welch and board members.)

The Highline School District is planning to cut the Band Program from Tyee High School and proposing to offer it as an after school activity.

Students who have other commitments such as sports, clubs, homework help or who work would be forced to give up a chance to learn music and earn a scholarship.


Something up his sleeve

While conducting a strip search,/b> on a 26-year-old drug suspect, officers saw a twisted piece of plastic protruding from the man's rectum. The man refused to remove it and told officers to "get a warrant." They did, and took the suspect to Harborview for a search. While moving the patient to a gurney, an officer felt a lump in the suspect's coat sleeve, which turned out to be the clear plastic bag covered with feces. (He had managed to move it while being driven to the hospital.) It contained 4.2 grams of crack cocaine.

Jerry's View - Paperboy with spunk

We were having lunch at the Burien Elks club recently when we met Leo Macias. He worked for us when he was 10 years old delivering papers on his White Center News paper route.

That was years ago but he remembers it well. His route was on the city side of White Center and he had about 55 customers. He was a small kid in a tough neighborhood but he had a lot of spunk.

One day he was accosted by the town bully while delivering his papers. When he refused to hand over his route money the big guy grabbed him and got a big surprise.


In Transition - No 'standard' in standardized test

The infamous Washington Assessment of Student Learning - WASL - testing will take place over the next couple of weeks.

In the past it was a joke; it didn't matter what the scores because it didn't affect anything. The class of 2007 was the first to have the WASL be part of its academic record, but 2008 is the first class that has to pass it.

The WASL is Washington State's most infamous and controversial standardized tests, with a pass rate of less than 40 percent. What about the WASL makes it so difficult?

First off, the WASL is not a test of basic skills.


Ideas With Attitude - The legacy of Betty Friedan

During my women's rights activism in the '70s I read that earthshaking volume The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan.

Never before had so many women realized that the voices in their heads, lodged there by years of conditioning to live as helpmates and supporters of the men who run the world, were not telling it like it really was. I was one who experienced the "click" of realization that I could be anything I wanted to be.

Now Friedan is gone, leaving behind a heritage of women's rights expectations ignited in every woman who was forever changed by her message.


Lazy Gardener - Cold damage largely superficial

Endless rain; bitter cold and dry; rain; unseasonably warm; really cold and dry; a little more rain - you can't say the winter has been boring.

Coming after an extended warming, the most recent cold spell probably did some damage. That may be largely superficial in the form of freezing premature growth. Actual damage should be less severe than it appears.

In the Lazy Garden, hardy fuchsias took a hit because they'd begun to leaf out during the warm spell. They look pretty sad.


Trainer's Corner - Just do weights

When asked, "What is the one thing I must include in my fitness program?" I say to every one from athletes to senior citizens, "Weight training." Nothing else reaches the entire muscular system like a full-body work out program. It's known to improve posture, bone density, sports conditioning and tone.

If you're skinny and want to be curvy, do weights. If you're a skinny-fat person that is petite with no tone, do weights.


My West Seattle - Surrounded by 1,000 cheerleaders

In the mid-seventies I was in the West Seattle High Stage Band. In addition to school assemblies, and the occasional jazz competition, we played at several other regular events during the year.

The most numerous were the Chieftain's home games (this was when Seattle University had a basketball team). The games were held at the Seattle Center Arena. It was an exhilarating experience to play in that big auditorium surrounded by thousands of screaming fans. Another regular performance occurred during summer break, when we'd play at the King County Fair in Enumclaw.
