April 2006

Woman assaulted, dumped in Federal Way

1. Federal Way officers were dispatched to a female that was located near 2109 Southwest 336th Street. The woman told police that she was assaulted in Tacoma and dropped off in Federal Way. While walking to the Tacoma Mall, the victim stated, she thought someone hit her in the head, knocking her unconscious. When she woke up, she found herself in Federal Way at an unknown location and her cell phone and wallet had been taken.

Domestic violence call leads to arrest

2. A woman called police after making a call to her grandmother.

High Schoolers get cheap seats for Centerstage's Nicholas Nickelby

Centerstage Theatre is pleased to offer to any high school student tickets to the opening night of the new musical, Nicholas Nickleby, for only one dollar. These tickets are good for Friday May 5 only and are for students with current student IDs.

Accompanying parents and others pay normal prices. The $1 tickets are only available on the night and may not be reserved in advance.

This version of Nicholas Nickleby is a new adaptation of one of the greatest masterpieces of the English language.


Cooking...for guys

It's no secret that I am fond of food. But when I got married, I figured out early on that if I want to eat the stuff I like, I would be fixing it myself.

I know this because Mrs. Anthony said those very words. If I waited around for her to fix dinner, it would be carrot sticks and something called wheat bulgur. No thanks.

So cue the fanfare, I'm going to present my time-honored, almost-award winning favorite recipes.


Taser needed to arrest

aggressive shoplifter

A 31-year-old man was tased three times by Des Moines police officers before being taken into custody on April 17.

At 3:18 a.m., officers responded to a report of a shoplifiting at a 7-Eleven in the 2900 block of Kent-Des Moines Road.

Responding officers determined the suspect, who didn't respond to their verbal commands, was drunk.

After he was tased once, he walked towards the officers in an attempt to assault them.


Burien clean sweep set for Saturday morning

Teach the kids the importance of tidying up more than their bedrooms by bringing them to Burien's eighth annual Clean Sweep on Saturday, April 29 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

New this year, after working with other community member to give Burien a good spring-cleaning, the youngsters can blow off steam in the Burien Bicycle Rodeo from 12:30 to 4 p.m. The Burien Teen Leadership Council will also reward the young laborers with running games and other activities.

While this annual event focuses on the downtown area, last year it expanded into the residential neighborhoods.


Bosnian Film Director to attend film marathon

Bosnian film director Benjamin Filipovi will attend the Seattle area’s first Bosnian movie marathon in Tukwila on Saturday, April 29.

Two films directed by Filipovi, Mizaldo and Well-Tempered Corpses, will be shown beginning at 6 p.m. at the Foster High School Performing Arts Center, 4242 S. 144th St.

The event is sponsored by Friends of Bosnia, a Highline Community College club.

A film essay made during the war in Sarajevo, Mizaldo is marked by bitterness, but includes a large dose of self-satire.

Filipovi co-wrote and co-directed it in 1993.


More money for services?

In 2007, Burien's general fund budget may increase from its current $70,000 to $140,000, according to preliminary Burien City Council discussions.

The council will be discussing next year's budget extensively before it is adopted near the end of 2006.

The increase, said parks director Michael Lafreniere, would be based on the council's adopted 2003 funding policies for human services, which state that the city will review and adjust funding as needed.

Although the fund may double in size, city staff pointed out that a portion of that increase might go
