June 2006

Sgt. Cooter Pays a Call

I could tell it was "Coot" by the distinctive rumble of a vintage Harley from blocks away. Moments later he was in my driveway swinging the kickstand down and shaking my hand.

Sgt. Cooter is an old pal of mine and a motorcycle cop who works for the "govmint." He stopped by the other day to say howdy, and before I could complain to him about how tough it is to get anywhere these days, he went into a small tirade himself.

Sgt. Cooter is a bit of a throwback... a big southern boy with a forced, gaptoothed grin.



A barred owl chick yawns while resting in a cottonwood tree in Federal Way. The chick, along with its two siblings, spent most of the afternoon last week resting and waiting on their mother to bring them food.

If you come across any young bird in the wild, the best approach is to leave it alone.


And then there were 5

After a nationwide search, the Federal Way city council will decide in the next week or so which of five men will be named the next city manager.

As of press time, the city council members were in a "huddle" to make the final decision.

"I can't say anything at this point," said councilwoman Jeanne Burbidge.


Steel Lake scores championship

Steel Lake's 9-10 year-old softball all- stars did what they had to do -- and they had to do a lot, coming through the loser's bracket to win it all by beating Tahoma, 5-2, at the South County Ballpark Friday.

"I've been working with this group of girls 3-4 years and finding their best spots on the field," said manager Terome Fulmore.

These ladies' tourney opening defeat that sent them into the loser's bracket was a 6-1 loss to Tahoma.


Federal Way students receive scholarships

Every year, the members of the Federal Way Education Association award nine scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each to graduating seniors who are interested in pursuing a career in education. The Association is pleased to announce this year's scholarship recipients:

Ben Bonnema and YooEi Choi, Decatur High School

Seth Holmes and Shea Eakes, Federal Way High School

Amanda Hanson and Kayla Carbon, Thomas Jefferson High School

Amanda Fleming and Ashley Hillstead, Todd Beamer High School

Ryan Jackson, Truman High School


Local Boy Scouts prove 'it all comes around'

Tucked away in a wooded thicket, three local Boy Scouts found their calling.

As they reached the final phase of their scouting careers, these young men turned within in search of a final Eagle Scout project.

Although they had never met before this month, Michael Piggott, Tyler Nicholls and Justin McKell shared a common goal to give back to Birth to Three, a Federal Way non-profit that provides early intervention services to infants and toddlers who have developmental delays.

Birth to Three began providing services-like occupational, physical and speech therapy-


Car prowlers target unlocked Volvo

1. The owner of a red 1998 Volvo called Federal Way police to report his vehicle was broken into while parked in front of his business at 29404 Pacific Highway South. The man told Federal Way police that he left his Volvo unlocked, so there is no damage to report, and he discovered several items missing from his vehicle. The list of stolen items included $1,050 in clothing, a leather briefcase and $150 in currency.