October 2006

Neighbor's value goes up but yours will go down

Well, it's time to sit down at the kitchen table and fill out the election ballot.

Let's see, we've got Initiative 933 that mandates that government must pay landowners who don't want to follow many land-use regulations adopted since 1996 that restrict what they can do with their property.

Well, I'm for property rights.

But wait a minute. This isn't a measure that ensures the government pays you fair market value for your place if they condemn it for public use.


At The Admiral - 'Monster House' takes on a life of its own

Monster House

Directed by Gil Kenan

Rated: PG

(three stars)

By Bruce Bulloch

Cranky old Mr. Nebbercracker confiscates any toy or ball unfortunate enough to wander across his property line giving his yard the mythic status of no man's land for every kid on the block. For DJ and his friend Chowder, old Nebbercracker holds a particular fascination, adding a little dash of spice to their quiet suburban childhood.


Fix our streets now

The so-called "Bridging the Gap" proposal to lift the levy lid on property taxes causes us some pause, but we are convinced the need far outweighs the usual arguments against what is Seattle Proposition 1 on your ballot next week.

For years, all the way back to the Dorm Braman years of mayor in the 1960s to today, mayors and city councils, have simply ignored street and bridge maintenance.


Taking the effort

I just wanted to send you a note to commend you for making the effort to learn more about the West Seattle schools involved in the "Phase 2" consolidation/closure effort. Not only did you learn more about our programs, you also discovered why the proposal to merge Pathfinder and Cooper made by the Superintendent and his staff was misguided and ill-informed.

What I especially appreciate is your willingness to be open-minded, and even change your mind, and then have the integrity to publish your revised opinion.


Time to heal school damage

Regarding the Oct. 18 school board meeting and the concerns about the conduct and results of that meeting: First, we thank the school board for doing the right thing and voting "no" to a seriously flawed proposal for school consolidations/closure. We believe the School Board would have rejected the superintendent's proposal because it was advanced without taking the time to clearly understand the very complex and difficult transitions required, without enough consideration of the implications of the recommendations, and without enough time or dialogue with the affected communities.

Viaduct can be strengthened cheaper

The brief week end the viaduct closed recently for a walk over and inspection demonstrated that the Spokane street viaduct, I-5, the streets of Seattle all became gridlocked. If the viaduct is closed for replacement construction the cost of construction will represent one-quarter to one-sixth the cost of the time and fuel and auto-truck damage including engine transmission wear and fender benders that will result from the traffic congestion. The Jam of Seattle.

I was involved in a service company - Industrial Roofing. Trucks would leave our plant at 7:15 a.m.

A lonely Republican here

I read your recent article (Tom Shafer, Oct. 18) in the West Seattle Herald and absolutely enjoyed it. I was born and raised in West Seattle. My father was raised here, and my grandmother lived in the same home in West Seattle for almost 50 years. My father, and I both graduated from West Seattle High School. I have seen the West Seattle political environment change over the years.

My grandmother was the secretary of the Republican Club in West Seattle for years. She loved a good debate and it was these debates that made me really think.


No to Congressman McDermott

Let's just come right out and say it. The emperor has no clothes!

The Bush Administration told us the reason we had to invade Iraq is because of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. Now we know that argument won't hold water.

History may ultimately prove Bush right, just as the Venona Papers substantiated our worst fears of Soviet infiltration - 50 years after the fact. But not now. However, as long as we're being truthful, let us also admit a lack of historical perspective.

Twenty-four hundred years ago, Socrates was executed for unpopular speech.


Hennessey brought back memories

Thanks to Lauri Hennessey (Long Summer of Silence, Oct. 25) for bringing back memories that go back 80 years and more.

To get our attention in a crowd or at a distance my Mom always whistled. It was a musical whistle consisting of two notes done slowly and then repeated twice at a faster tempo. Even now it seems more genteel than yelling.

I appreciate the reminder and the opportunity to remember.

Olive W. Spannaus


Connecting some unattractive dots

It is widely known that the richest and second-richest families in America solidly support the estate tax here in Washington and at the federal level. The Gates and Buffets in turn reap praise for their selfless philanthropic commitment s, most of which is well deserved. Let's now connect some facts and see where they lead.

Frank Russell Company was a locally owned multi-generational jewel of a company employing many, having built a stellar international reputation while doggedly maintaining its Tacoma identity.
