I am responding to the letter titled "Why live next to a playfield?" (Oct. 17). I would say "Why put a sports complex next to the houses?"
Loyal Heights Playfield used to be a nice grassy field, with softball, baseball, and football being played eight or nine months of the year. The field would rest and recover the other three or four months a year, giving the neighborhood some much needed down time as well. The traffic congestion was bad at times, but not every night. In between baseball and football seasons there were breaks. The athletes and the neighborhood co-existed relatively peacefully, in spite of the noise of the games and practice, because of those breaks.
The (adult) soccer players of Seattle were not satisfied though. When they see a grass playfield with lights, they do not rest until it is replaced with artificial turf. Read their web sites. They have a paid lobbyist to work on this goal. All they want is more fields. It's all they care about - not preserving the neighborhoods, not cooperating together, not compromising.
Every Seattle city park is not an appropriate place for a sports complex with activity every night.