She crafts with words and he crafts with wood - both of them masters of their form. As a couple Carol and George Levin have also rewritten a love story together, and it manifests in their jewel house on Sunset Hill. Man, woman, house, dogs, there is no longer one without the other in their combined story.
In their entirety the biographies of Carol and George (Geo) would have many chapters, their childhoods on different sides of the country, first marriages, first careers, hers in dance and employment relations, his in the Air Force and engineering. Then there are separate and combined interests, theater, flying, radio, sailboat racing, translation, yoga, poetry, and their beloved dogs.
Just south of Sunset Hill Park on 34th Northwest their house is the one with the dog watering bowl in front, the mannequin in the window and 82 years of storied history on the inside. The original owners were the Joneses, known for three locations of Jones Brothers Meats including the one next to the Sunset Hotel on 22nd Northwest. One Saturday the Levins introduced themselves in the butcher shop.