May 2010

Seattle Parks Department will install new track surface at Hiawatha July 5

Rubberized surface will take 3 weeks to install

Installation of a new rubberized track is scheduled to begin July 5, 2010 at the Hiawatha Playfield. Seattle Parks and Recreation estimates that this weather-dependent construction will take 3 weeks, and the entire playfield, both track and field, will be closed during that time.

While the new synthetic field was opened to the public in December 2009, the track installation could not occur until dry weather in summer 2010.

Premier Fields renovated the fields with synthetic turf, which accommodates football, soccer and baseball. The schedule for the track installation is weather dependent, and the dates could change due to rain.

The $3.6 million project received funding from Seattle Parks and Recreation’s major maintenance fund, the Seattle School District and King County.

For additional information on the project please visit or contact Garrett Farrell at (206) 233-7921 or


Green My Ballard: Food to go

Cooking has mostly been a solo activity for me, even though I often cook for others. I love to cook, spend a fair amount of time in the kitchen, and enjoy exploring new recipes, cooking styles and cuisines. But, I haven’t taken a hands-on cooking class, so the idea of a “community kitchen” had me wondering what they were all about.

Community kitchens are springing up all over the city. The newest, in Ballard, had its first evening of communal cooking on May 18 at the Ballard Community Center.

More than a dozen enterprising cooks of varied ages signed up in advance for the informal cooking session, which for $25 (scholarships available), includes all the – mostly local – ingredients, a culinary lesson, camaraderie and better-than-take-out prepared food to go. Participants each bring jars and containers to take home the ready-to-eat meals.

On the menu? Something I’ve never thought to make: Tamales – cheese with chiles and black beans with squash. The group also made a variety of flavorful salsas and a Mexican garlic vegetable soup.


reFresh Southwest Festival and Delridge Day set for June 5

Live performances, creative arts and environmental workshops planned

Delridge Day and reFresh Southwest is a free community celebration taking place June 5, from 1 to 5 pm featuring live performance, creative arts and environmentally-minded workshops, speakers, family activities, and over 100+ community organizations and resources for Southwest Seattle.

Hosted at the Delridge Community Center and Playfield at 4501 Delridge Way S.W. , the event will feature two music stages with noted community performers and will connect residents with the initiatives and programs that are working to provide better access to a healthy, active lifestyle. Workshops span from sustainable gardening practices to theater arts to Brazilian dancing; family activities include potato sack races, a magic show, a walking tour and a fresh produce tasting. In addition, Sustainable West Seattle will host dozens of organizations and local businesses in a resource fair.
Harbor Properties is sponsoring the Festival portion of the event.



Key Bank comes to White Center to clean up

Key Bank brought a crew of corporate employees out to White Center on Tuesday, May 25 to clean windows, pick up litter and do general clean up in association with the White Center Community Development Association (WCCDA). This year marks the 20th anniversary of this project. Senior management, managers and staff come together in groups to go work as community servants.

"This is a national program we do called 'Neighbors Make A Difference Day', said Rick Wirthlin, President of the Seattle Cascades District of Key Bank, "and we have about 8000 people nationwide from the bank, helping out lots of organizations around the country. Today we have in our district we have 200 people in our district helping out 14 different organizations."

They chose White Center because, "It's all part of White Center," Wirthlin said, " As our business model we're all part of the community bank and we're all trying to give back to our community and this is one of those communities in which we have people who live, work, and play right here."

Aileen Balahadia, Executive Director of WCCDA said, "It's really cool, the fact that the President came out here. I love it."


Community tool library with Neighborhood Matching Fund to open near SSCC June 12

Tool library will offer community access to tools, training, and advice

For months, members of Sustainable West Seattle have been planning, organizing, and researching how to create a library of tools for the community to borrow instead of purchasing them. With an award of $20,000 from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods' Neighborhood Matching Fund, their dreams will come to life with the opening of the West Seattle Tool Library on June 12 at South Seattle Community College. The Library will help foster a greater sense of community, while providing a shared source of tools, classes, and information and a green alternative to individual ownership.

"So far we've partnered with organizations such as the West Seattle Nursery and Community Harvest of South Seattle, and have gathered tools from generous donors throughout West Seattle. Our biggest tool drive was held on May 8th at the West Seattle Community Garage Sale, which put our number of tools up over 300!" said coordinator Patrick Dunn of Sustainable West Seattle. "We'd like to encourage everyone to come out and join in the effort to provide community resources for West Seattle."


Ballard District Council: Reconsider Market St. transit changes

Ed. Note: This is a copy of a letter sent from the Ballard District Council to Seattle Department of Transportation Director Peter Hahn regarding proposed transit changes to Market Street and 45th Street.

Thank you for facilitating a cross neighborhood group to discuss solutions to the travel-time inefficiencies of Metro route 44. Ballard representatives on that group have reported to the Ballard District Council on the proposed changes, particularly in the Ballard section of the corridor.

The Ballard District Council advocates improvements and efficiencies, rather than reductions or gaps in transit service for our area. We have concerns about most of the proposed stop closures identified along Northwest Market Street.

Our concerns derive from recent and projected growth adjacent to those stops. Ballard has experienced significant residential growth, which we expect to continue east of 15th Avenue Northwest. Retail and commercial development will continue west from 24th Avenue Northwest along Market Street.

We are concerned by the following proposals:

11th Avenue Northwest and Market Street curb bulb


WWII B-17 Aluminum Overcast takes people for a ride this week at the Museum of Flight

Doing a salute to Veterans tour around the Country the WWII B-17 Flying Fortress, the Aluminum Overcast will be at Boeing Field next to the Museum of Flight in Seattle Wednesday through Monday, May 31st.

There will be ground tours following the final flight each day. Flights will begin at 10:15 each morning and run every 50 minutes when they have between six to 10 passengers ready to fly.

A flight costs $385 for EAA members and $425 for non EAA members, and includes a one year membership to the EAA. Ground tours are $5 a person and $15 for a family. Active Military Personal and Children under 8 years old can take the ground tour for free (children must be with a paying adult).

Any questions, or to make a reservation to fly call 920-371-2244.

Museum of Flight address is 9404 East Marginal Way S. Seattle, WA 98108-4097.



Meet the Ozier Bear

Meet the Ozier Bear

If you happen to motor along Normandy Park Dr. you may have noticed the now famous Ozier bear waving to passersby from its lofty perch on a stump in a front yard garden.

What's an Ozier bear you ask? It all started more than 25 years ago when a tall tree in Frank Ozier's front yard became too much of a concern during windstorms that the Ozier's decided to have it removed. A change of heart occurred after Frank reconsidered and hired a local tree carving artist to create the six-foot tall brown bear.

A more recent windstorm toppled a similar tree, barely missing the bear and much to the delight of neighbors who have grown accustomed to the happy creature Frank created. Frank often dresses it in seasonal holiday garb or will stick an American Flag in its waving paw.


Bike, eat to raise money for Solid Ground

The first Spoke and Food event will combine bicycling and dining to raise funds for Solid Ground's Lettuce Link program.

The main goals of Spoke and Food, which takes place on June 29, are to motivate the community to use bicycles as they dine out and to improve access to healthy food fro all by supporting Lettuce Link, an innovative food and gardening program started in 1988, according to a Spoke and Food press release.

Lettuce Link creates access to fresh, nutritious and organic produce, seeds and gardening information for families with lower incomes in Seattle.

Residents can bike to any of the following Ballard-area restaurants June 29, and they will donate 15 percent to 20 percent of their proceeds to Lettuce Link.

  • Dad Watsons
  • The Stepping Stone
  • Snoose Junction Pizzeria
  • Naked City Brewery & Tap House

Other participating restaurants around the city include The Scarlet Tree, Montlake Alehouse, Fiddler’s Inn, Muleadys Irish Pub and Cantinetta Restaurant.


Town Hall Meeting on Water Taxi service set for June 9

King County Councilmember Jan Drago has set a Town Hall Meeting for the public to provide feedback on the Elliott Bay Water Taxi.
The meeting will take place Wednesday, June 9th, from 7:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m. at the Alki Community Center 5817 SW Stevens Street

At the meeting she will present information about the West Seattle Water Taxi and King County Ferry District.

For more information or questions, please contact or call King County Councilmember Drago’s office at (206) 296-1008
