Amy Lee Derenthal to leave The Kenney Foundation; will join Highline Medical Center Foundation
Amy Lee Derenthal, who has filled the job of Director of Development at The Kenney Foundation for the last five years is leaving to take a job with the Highline Medical Center Foundation in Burien she announced today.
Derenthal, who came to the senior living and retirement organization at a time, Feb. 2006 when there was no foundation, was hired by R. Kevin McFeeley President and CEO of The Kenney to raise the awareness of donations and how they affect the lives of the residents and the community at large.
In a memo to the residents Derenthal said, " With a bit of a heavy heart, I am resigning my position with The Kenney. I had an opportunity arise to take a position that is a good next move in my career path. I hope to get additional experience that will some day bring me back to the senior world. Seniors are my passion!
I am proud of where The Kenney Foundation is today as well as the staff and "culture of philanthrophy" you have helped me to build.
I know we will stay connected and I'm happy to help out as a volunteer and a "daughter of a resident" when needed. The Kenney is a part of my family."