Pet of the Week: Bailey is a happy flier
Bailey is an odd combination of dog breeds born of three varieties King Cavalier, poodle and Bichon Frisee which makes him according to owner Judy Popky, "A Cavapoochon."
He's just over a year old and came from a breeder in Austin Texas. "I was living in Atlanta and he came by airplane to me," Popky said, "I was looking for Golden Doodles and they were too big but the same breeder had this little cute guy for me." He's hypo-allergenic like those other breeds which works for Popky.
That may have been the only time however that Bailey flew in the cargo area. Ever since he joined Popky he flies in the main cabin with her. "It costs money but he gets in his little crate, and sometimes I have to give him doggy tranquilizers to help him go night-night but otherwise he goes in there and goes to sleep. He's a very good traveller. He goes to visit his Daddy in California and his cousin. He's got more frequent flier miles than I do!"
He's not high maintenance. "A bath and a haircut once a month and he's good to go." She takes him to the WashDog for that service.