Ballard Fit Club invites all to join their small, but growing, community
By Lauren DiRe, Intern
On Wednesday, August 17, I attended Ballard Fit Club, a new fitness group in the area that meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, 23rd Avenue NW and NW 70th Street.
After being persuaded to join the workout (instead of just standing by to watch), I was surprised to find myself laughing and really enjoying myself 30 minutes later.
“The real idea, basically, is to meet people socially, who are doing the kind of thing that you need to do to be healthy,” said participant Robert Du Beau.
Before attending last Wednesday night’s class, I had no idea that there were several “fit clubs” around the Seattle area.
Apparently there are.
After the fit club in Magnolia recently shut down, Debra Davies decided to start one closer to home - in Ballard. She called churches in the area, which offer cheaper rent space, and found the one on 23th Avenue Northwest.
They’ve been meeting for four weeks now, but Davies wants to get the word out about what they’re doing.
“We want people to come,” Davies said. “And it’s free. There’s no free workout anywhere I know of.”