Annexation, Town Square condos top Burien council discussions
Burien lawmakers raised concerns Aug. 15 about how the state sales tax credit could be used to address costs for roads, stormwater and parks if Burien annexes White Center.
City Manager Mike Martin said staffers are still trying to clarify what expenditures would be allowed for capitol costs using the state money. He noted that the funds cannot be used for new capitol construction but maintenance costs may be covered.
Berke, the city's consultant, has reported that annexing White Center would not hurt Burien's ability to balance its budget. The finding is dependent on receiving a maximum $5 million per year state sales tax credit for ten years.
Councilman Jack Block Jr. also said that King County and the King County Housing Authority should agree to more mitigation funding before Burien agrees to annex White Center.
"Much as I love North Highline it's a no-go if King County doesn't pay more," Block declared.
Councilman Gordon Shaw agreed it would be a "deal breaker" if the state does not allow Burien flexibility in using the tax credit.
"If they want us to take over (North Highline) let the city manage it the way we do," Shaw declared.