April 2013

LETTER: Writer recommends new Des Moines restaurant

Was it only yesterday that we had a “Ships Log” and a Des Moines Chamber of Commerce and was it such fun to do a monthly article entitled “Business of the Month”?

Did there prevail a feeling of joy at heralding the merits of a new or established small business venture in Des Moines and has that joy dissipated?

Until a few days ago the answer to the “joy” part might have been absolutely no; that is until the new restaurant, “Prima Margherita” was honored by a grand opening with Mayor Dave Kaplan and other dignitaries on Wednesday April 3.

It was a good day for such an event and there were so many treats on the counter of the bar for all to be tempted by. There were even two uniformed police there bending a pizza and smiling. I explained that there were no doughnuts today and, wisely stepped out of their way.

As many restaurants as we have enjoyed in Italy, it was a given, we thought, that we would never have such a rewarding experience once we returned to America; especially, we thought, so far west from our roots in the New England states.


School retirees meeting scheduled for April 23

Press release:

A meeting of the SW King School Retirees Association will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2013, at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 8th and So. 192nd St., Des Moines, at 11:30 a.m.

A donation ($6) lunch will be served and the program, to follow, features Mr. Richard Anderson, President of WSSRA.

He will bring us up-to-date on the happenings in Lacey, and the benefits that AMBA has for us.

(We are also still collecting food and money for the local Food Banks; this month the Feinstein Foundation will double our contributions.) Please join us. If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please call Eileen at 206 878 3294.


Seattle Police take precautions at home after Boston bombing

In response to the still-developing tragedy with at least two dead and scores wounded when bombs were detonated at the Boston Marathon finish line today, Seattle Police issued the following statement with regards to increased security locally:

With Thoughts Towards Boston, Precautions at Home
Sgt. Sean Whitcomb on April 15, 2013

Our thoughts are with the people of Boston, the athletes participating in the Boston Marathon and their families.
We have been in communication with the Mayor’s Office and the Office of Emergency Management. We haven’t received any information to indicate that there is a threat to Seattle. Still, we have begun taking reasonable precautions to protect our community.

On duty resources have been directed to increase their patrols in our neighborhoods and around our infrastructure. Seattle residents may see an increased police presence.

We are also asking for public support. Please report any suspicious activity to 911.

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Jerry's View: Russell was tough on bullies

This week I celebrated my dear departed brother Russell's birthday. I will grieve alone. His wife lives in California. I will send a message to her. Russ would have been 95.

He used to pound me a bit but never anything fatal. I was two years younger and 30 pounds skinnier but I was his private punching bag--a lot.

I was actually quite proud of his impatience with me and it was okay that he soothed it by knocking me around. He also protected me.

He was skinny too but spent many hours trying to overcome his shameful biceps and skeleton rib cage. He kept his store bought barbell set in the garage and worked out everyday all by himself.

I kept my bony body out of there and peered at him silently through the window.

Russ loved to fight but never picked one. He got pretty good with his fists. I had a large, red carbuncle on my back in grade school. A bully heard about it and pulled my shirt up to smack it. I howled and he grinned. His name was Rupert Reedy.


Des Moines’ only downtown supermarket closing

The QFC supermarket located in downtown Des Moines will be closing its doors on May 25.

“It is sad that they are closing but it’s not entirely unexpected,” said Mayor Dave Kaplan. 
Mayor Kaplan explained that when Kroger took over QFC 16 years ago, they had contemplated closing the downtown store, but instead opted to close the Midway QFC.

The property the QFC stands on is split between two owners. One is local and the other is a family or family trust back in New York.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, the lease actually belongs to Albertsons and not to QFC directly. That lease is up in a few months, and at least one of the property owners raised their portion of the rent.

“My understanding is that QFC is making arrangements to try and absorb all the employees from that store and relocate them in other stores,” said Mayor Kaplan. “We greatly appreciate that.”

Amanda Ip, QFC spokesperson, confirmed that all the employees that wished to continue working for QFC have already been placed so no one will be losing their job.

“All the employees will have new homes once the store is closed,” said Ip.


Downtown Des Moines QFC will be missed

If you are a city of Des Moines community resident and feel like you’re missing something –- guess what-- you will be and pronto!

It’s a sad day when the Des Moines community loses it’s one and only downtown grocery store that so many people have come to depend upon.

At the turn of a key, this major longtime business in downtown Des Moines at 220th and Marine View Drive, (QFC) Quality Food Centers, will close their doors here for the last time May 25th.

With the click of a lock those doors will close to thousands of this city’s people. And it won’t take long for most people, who have depended on that food store for decades, to feel the negative impact of this very personal loss to a community that needs them.

Gone will be the days of zipping down to QFC at the north entrance of town and shopping on a whim or sudden need.

Des Moines store manager Tina Stunns said she has no knowledge of any future business tenant for the building.

Present employees will be offered other available company jobs.


Why Ballardites love Ballard

In light of this weekend's news that USA Today named Ballard one of the best ten neighborhoods that tourists haven't heard of, we asked readers to comment on why they thought Ballard was so grand. Because, well, USA Today barely touched the surface.

Here's what we got:

"The Viking!!!!!!!" - Bob

"Delancey!" - Jorge

"The Ballard Sunday Market!" Marjorie (she's our psychic columnist)

"I like the mix of fishing/maritime industries, everything is in walking distance, great restaurants and overall casual feel of Ballard." - Rachel


Des Moines mailman who stole on route to buy pot tops police blotter

By Shara Wallace and Steve Shay

Des Moines mailman gets probation
Former Des Moines mailman Charles Wright, a Postal Service employee for 34 years, and Army veteran, was sentenced Wednesday, April 10, in U.S. District Court to 60 hours of community service and fined $500. Wright will spend two years on probation and also is required to pay back $469 he was caught stealing from postal customers.
Wright, 57, was caught last year stealing gift cards from dozens of letters sent to residents along his Des Moines area route. He used stolen cash to buy marijuana, which he then smoked instead of delivering the rest of the mail he was paid to carry. He pleaded guilty in January to opening and destroying mail from numerous customers between July 2010 and July 2012. Wright searched for greeting cards in his bag, which he opened, then tore up and tossed away the cards.

Seattle Police take precautions at home after Boston bombing

In response to the still-developing tragedy with at least two dead and scores wounded when bombs were detonated at the Boston Marathon finish line today, Seattle Police issued the following statement with regards to increased security locally:

With Thoughts Towards Boston, Precautions at Home
Sgt. Sean Whitcomb on April 15, 2013

Our thoughts are with the people of Boston, the athletes participating in the Boston Marathon and their families.

We have been in communication with the Mayor’s Office and the Office of Emergency Management. We haven’t received any information to indicate that there is a threat to Seattle. Still, we have begun taking reasonable precautions to protect our community.

On duty resources have been directed to increase their patrols in our neighborhoods and around our infrastructure. Seattle residents may see an increased police presence.

We are also asking for public support. Please report any suspicious activity to 911.
