The great Dick's Walkathon
Six ambitious hikers embarked on the Third Annual Dick’s Walkathon on Saturday, Sept. 14, to hit all six Dick’s location: Edmonds, Lake City, Crown Hill, Wallingford, Capitol Hill and Lower Queen Anne.
The two founders, Lars Phillips and JP Osseward, are old chums from Ballard High School who started the walkathon because they enjoy hiking in all forms, both in the mountains and right here in the city. (Urban hikes have an added bonus because they're cheap, local and still a great form of exercise and fun.)
On the most recent walkathon, they picked up more participants as they hit the different locations and even met Saul Spady, the grandson of Dick Spady. The coupons and t-shirts they received were a nice bonus, too. The walkathon was 22 miles long.
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