Pats View: Getting Texty
By Pat Cashman
Every time Star Trek fans hear those famous words spoken by Captain Kirk: “…to boldly go where no man has gone before…”---they get as giddy as mosquitoes in a nudist colony.
But if my college English teacher Miss Lynn had heard them, she would have howled in genuine pain. “What kind of a captain is that?” she’d say. “Even a Klingon wouldn’t speak so poorly.” (By the way, my computer just tried to change Klingon to Clinton. More on that shortly.)
Captain Kirk’s familiar words, of course, contain a dreaded split infinitive. Thus, “…to boldly go…”---with the word ‘boldly’ stuffed in between ‘to’ and ‘go’---is a crime worthy of marching Kirk straight to Miss Lynn’s grammar guillotine.
It was as if splitting an infinitive was a bigger deal than splitting the atom---and just as explosive.
I’ve long thought about writing a sketch for TV called “The Grammarian.” It would be about a righteous super-hero---in the requisite cape and tights---running around correcting wrong utterances:
EVIL GENIUS: “I will rule the world, irregardless!”