Pat's View: The Narrowism of Heroism
By Pat Cashman
I was in a ferry line earlier this week---and saw the road sign you may well be familiar with: “Report ferry line cutters”---followed by the phone number you’re supposed to call: “1-877-764-HERO.”
Really? Hero?
I naively always thought of heroes as people who changed the world, did something truly
great, achieved courageous things and inspired others. You know, George Washington, Gandhi, Oskar Schindler, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman---guys like that.
But squealing on someone else? A hero?
It all takes me back to the 7th grade at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School---a day I was very worried. After all, teachers did not normally tell a kid to stay after class unless there was trouble. I braced for the worst.
“Pat,” My nun teacher, Sister Mildred Marie, began, “I have some news for you.” I swallowed hard, as she continued. “Have you ever heard of The Leaders Club?” she asked.
“No,” I said, waiting to be hit over the head with such a club.