Exodus of teachers noted in Highline Public Schools
By Lindsay Peyton
A large number of teachers in Highline Public Schools are hanging their hats after this year – and parents and community members are taking note.
“Teacher turnover is off the charts,” parent Stuart Jenner said.
He keeps tabs on the number of faculty members resigning in the school board agendas each month. “I’m seeing the list get longer and longer,” he said. “It’s really sobering. The morale also seems a lot lower, and that’s discouraging.”
Catherine Carbone Rogers, chief communications officer for the district, maintains that the number of resigning teachers is actually not out of the ordinary.
“It’s not dramatically higher than in years past or than in our neighboring districts,” she said. “We have a higher number of teachers. Our teacher base is bigger, but our percentage leaving is actually going down.”
She explained that during the 2015-2016 school year, there were 1,419 staff members with 145 resignations, or an 11.1 percent turnover.