By Teanna Gentry
What lights your face up with a smile? What makes your heart beat a little faster? Think about it. For me, it has always been moving. Running, jumping, swimming, dance, gymnastics, basketball. You name the sport or activity, I have done it.
Two stories come to my mind when I think back to all the activities I did in my childhood, and how moving has always brought life to my body and a smile to my face. Picture a short little girl, blond hair, blue eyes—always on the go. That was me.
One story my Dad always used to share with me was about how I would always be running. He asked me why I loved to run. I said, “Because I’m faster than everybody.” I wasn’t always, but I loved it. I loved to feel the wind against my face as I moved my legs and arms as fast as I could along the grass outside my country home.
And boy, did it feel good to win the elementary school “fun runs” around the playground. Running spoke life to my soul.