Design Review Board meeting on seven story 108 unit apartment project on Fauntleroy set for April 20
A design review board meeting for the 7-story, 108-unit apartment building called the Fauntleroy Way Apartments at 4754 Fauntleroy Way SW is set for April 20 at the West Seattle Senior Center at 6:30pm. The project would have 10 live-work units to be located at ground level. Parking for 103 vehicles will be provided below grade This is up from the 88 parking spaces proposed previously. The existing structure would be demolished. Environmental review includes demolition of parking lot with 42 parking spaces.
The property is owned by Thomas Parsons of Holland Development LLC.
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2017
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: West Seattle Senior Center
4217 SW Oregon Street
Room: Hatten Hall