City of SeaTac offers public works projects update
South 200th Street Shared-Use Path
This project includes building a new separated shared-use path along South 200th Street between 12th Place South and the Des Moines Creek Trailhead. The project will provide pedestrian connections to street improvements that will be constructed at the intersection of Des Moines Memorial Drive South and South 200th Street, and a connection to existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities accessing the Angle Lake Light Rail Station.
Des Moines Memorial Drive South and South 200th Street Intersection
Improvements for this intersection include construction of bike lanes, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, new pavement, installation of street lighting, a new traffic signal system with pedestrian crossings, left turn lanes for all approaches, and construction of a right turn lane on westbound South 200th Street. Final design and right-of-way acquisition are currently underway.