The Psychic View – The Prophet of Gloom
Thu, 09/25/2014
by Marjorie Young
Though delighting in my psychic gifts, they come, as do all good things, with a down side; mainly when clients, or more surprisingly, friends, assume my lightest utterance may carry a cryptic or foreboding portent. I privately refer to this as the ‘Wizard of Oz’ syndrome.
Those close to me are well-aware that I am able to largely ‘turn on’ and ‘turn off’ my clairvoyance at will, though this required years of practice. Previous to that, I had been constantly inundated with unwanted ‘data’ regarding whoever happened to be around me at the time. Nowadays, during a consultation, I connect with the unnamed ‘source’ of information, and afterwards, successfully tune it out. Moreover, I never do sessions for those I know well, since I’d lack the necessary detachment to interpret whatever ‘tidings’ I receive with clarity.
Yet, some who should know better regularly treat me as a ‘prophet of gloom.’ For instance: if I casually ask my pal ‘Jan’ how her Mom is doing, she unfailingly responds with a frightened ‘Why do you ask?’…assuming my innocent inquiry infers something dire. My neighbor ‘George’ has developed a fear of flying, and insists on phoning before every flight so I can reassure him his plane won’t crash. I indulge his obsession, while sometimes teasing that if I’m wrong, he won’t be around to remind me! He always fails to see the humor in that remark. One of my regular clients, Andrea, insists on knowing exactly what her husband or her supervisor at work is thinking at any given moment…as if I could (or would) read a person’s mind without their permission. It is that mantle of ‘all-knowingness’ they misguidedly bestow that I find so exasperating. Perhaps a future column should be called ‘What not to ask a psychic’!
Despite my efforts to insert a degree of normalcy into my relationships; these vexing incidents continue with regularity. More examples: a friend was leaving on a vacation to Europe. “I’m sure you’ll have a great time,” I innocently remarked. Her reaction was “Do you KNOW that, or are you ‘just saying’ that!?” As you may imagine, it becomes exasperating that any utterance may be assumed to carry the weight of ‘prophecy.’ Recently, parts of the Ballard neighborhood suffered a brief black-out. After being without power for a few hours, I mentioned to good friend that I planned to buy a battery-operated radio, to be better prepared for any future emergency. “Oh no! Are you predicting one?!” was the jittery response.
Obviously, psychics cannot be expected to be ‘on duty’ 24/7, nor is our every word replete with cryptic significance. At least, that is certainly the case with me. As Freud sagely said, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!” I remain grateful for my unusual talents, while simultaneously enjoying an ‘everyday existence,’ as well as many wonderful people to share it with. As long as they don’t mistakenly anoint me as their Goddess of Gloom! That’s one title I shall most willingly renounce.
Marjorie is available for readings at the Ballard Sunday Market, her Ballard home, or by phone.
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