The Department of Planning and Development announced three new land use applications in the North Seattle area. The applications include subdivisions and approval to improve a shoreline recreation site on the canal south of Fred Meyer.
2426 NW 64TH ST
Land Use Application to subdivide one development site into 3 unit lots. The construction of residential units is under Project #6407024. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots.

3811 Fremont Ln N
Council Land Use Action to subdivide one unit lot into two unit lots. This is a re-division of a nine unit lot subdivision issued under Permit #3017428. The construction of residential units is under Project #6387706. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots. Environmental review conducted under #3014630.

4301 R 11th Ave NW
Shoreline Substantial Development Application to grade 430 cubic yards of material (350 cu. yds. cut; 80 cu. yds. fill) in an environmentally critical area and to allow site improvements (elevated walkway, benches and deck/viewing platform, re-vegetation) to 11th Avenue NW street end for public recreation use. (Seattle Department of Transportation)
The following approvals are required:
Shoreline Substantial Development to allow shoreline recreational use in the Urban Industrial environment.
SEPA Environmental Determination (This project is subject to the Optional DNS Process (WAC 197-11-355) and Early DNS Process (SMC 25.05.355). This comment period may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of this proposal.)
Other permits that may be needed which are not included in this application:
Building Permit