Make liabilities into assets
Tue, 05/24/2011
I just read the Times/News. It sparked a response-a combination of ideas that I have thought of before.
Let's make our liabilities into assets. "Looking on the brighter side," anyone? For example, treat shortages as residents of Maine do. In winter they can't get out to buy an item. "Make do," and they are proud of this.
Also, cooperate. I like the illustration of the persuading the common people to build the Burma Road in World War II. The speaker asked the strongest man in the audience to break a whole bundle of sticks. He could not. So the individual sticks were passed out and each could break one stick.
I sometimes think that if 10 people can only each afford one tenth of a trip, none can go. However, if they pool their money, one can go. (Moslems do this to go to Mecca, one of their five pillars.)
A local example is for the parks department. If it cooperated in a compact with other South Sound parks departments, they could buy more parks.
Also, make use of volunteers. My mom was big on volunteers and recognition of their contributions.
Don Mathison
Federal Way