LETTER: Voting no on joining Burien
Mon, 07/09/2012
A couple of weeks ago, Burien City Manager Mike Martin, came up to White Center at the 3.14 Bakery with his dog and pony show trying to pedal why we should join Burien.
While the county has not always done what we wanted, at least they didn’t waste our tax dollars on chasing crows from people’s backyards. This was a story Martin told about the quality services Burien gives to its citizens.
Additionally, he mentioned that if we joined Burien, we would be getting a tax increase. While the handout from Burien says taxes would increase for us about $156, it turns out it will be closer to $256 per household. Martin forgot to include the new tax from Seattle Light to cover the cost of putting up new wiring underground along 1st Avenue in Burien.
But, it turns out it will really be lots more for those of us who have electric heat because the tax is based on total power use. Whatever happened to truth in selling to the customer?
Also, Martin mentioned that the medical marijuana dispensaries will be declared illegal by Burien and will have to go and to expect new business taxes.
Oh by the way, all fireworks will be prohibited, if we join Burien. Martin wanted us to know was that he will write ordinances for anything we want, like keeping our dogs out of events and important things like that.
Lastly, he is willing to listen to what we want done with zoning. But he has a group of Burien residents who have been coming to the city of Burien for close to 20 years asking to keep a zoning that the city of Burien has continued to turn down.
I just saw this on going battle on the city TV station this week. So how likely is he going to be to listen to our concerns about zoning, I think not. For now, I’m voting NO on joining Burien. I can chase the crows out of my own backyard cheaper than paying more taxes to Burien and I like fireworks.
A. Smith
West Seattle