Walk and talk with a doc around Lake Burien on Jan. 6
Wed, 01/02/2013
On Sunday, Jan. 6, WABI Burien will help city residents start their year off right by offering a special Walk-n-Talk-with-a Doc.
Dr. Michael Schlitt, neurosurgeon and Chief of Surgery at Highline Medical Center, will speak to WABI walkers about the health benefits of walking, and will then join in a walk so the conversation can continue on foot.
WABI Burien is a nonprofit group that promotes biking and walking.
As a frequent walker himself, Dr. Schlitt “walks his talk.” The doctor and his staff feel that walking is a key to both spinal and general health.
“At least two-thirds of my post-surgical patients use walking as their primary mode of rehabilitation after surgery,” Schlitt said. “Additionally, most patients referred to consultation actually don’t need surgery; walking is one of our key modalities for getting folks back to full function.”
Convinced of the value of walking, Dr. Schlitt will provide a free pedometer and a copy of his walking program to each walker attending January’s Walk-n-Talk. Also, there will be tips and tidbits about how and why to integrate more walking into your life.
Walk-n-Talkers will meet up on Sunday at 2 p.m. Instead of meeting at the grassy knoll at Town Square Park, the group will begin at the Burien Library Multipurpose Room, 400 S.W. 152nd St.
Dr. Schlitt will talk at 2:15 p.m. with walking starting at about 2:30 or so.
Walkers of every level and ability including dogs are welcome.
January’s walk is about 2.25 miles, round trip, mostly flat, with some sidewalks. The group will begin at the library, head west around Lake Burien, and back to Town Square Park.