Public comment period for Part 150 Noise Study begins today
Mon, 04/15/2013
Press release:
Beginning Monday, April 15, Sea-Tac Airport neighbors can offer formal comment on the draft Federal Aviation Administration Part 150 Noise and Land-Use Compatibility Study and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review for this study.
The Part 150 Study is designed to evaluate existing noise levels, predict noise for the next five years, evaluate potential noise mitigation ideas and recommend targeted programs to minimize impacts on airport communities.
The 45-day comment period is scheduled from April 15, 2013 to May 30, 2013.
These are also the dates for the environmental review comment period under SEPA. For information on ways the public can provide formal input and for all documentation connected to the study and the environmental review process, including a link to the complete draft study, visit the study’s website.
The fifth and final public meeting on the Part 150 Study and the SEPA environmental review is scheduled for May 15, 6 to 8 p.m., at Cedarhurst Elementary School (611 S. 132nd Street) in Burien.
We invite you to join us, ask questions and offer formal comment to the Part 150 Noise Study team. Feedback gathered at the public meeting and during the comment period will be taken into consideration before a final set of recommended programs is sent to the Port of Seattle Commission for approval.
For more information or if you have questions, please contact (206) 787-5393.