Highline Public Schools Shares Results of Online Feedback
Tue, 08/16/2016
Nearly 1,500 people shared their priorities and ideas with Highline Public Schools about possible schedule changes and high school improvements through a three-step, online conversation.
This spring, staff, families, and community members contributed more than 3,300 thoughts and ideas. Then they had a chance to read others' comments and "like" their favorite ideas by giving them stars.
The results are in and the community is invited to check out the thoughts that received the most stars-- showing us our community's shared ideas and priorities.
Visit our online interactive report to learn about the top priorities that emerged about possible school changes and high school improvements.
"We are pleased that so many people gave us input on school schedule changes and high school improvements. It was important for us to hear from those who were not able to attend our community meetings on these topics.” said Superintendent Susan Enfield. “We appreciate the opportunity to learn more about our community’s priorities.
Some of the top priorities that emerged from the online dialog include:
• The opportunity for high school students to take more classes and earn more credits in four years.
• A variety of programs and courses to fit different learning needs.
• A preference to keep early release on Fridays.
Learn more about ThoughtExchange online (highlineschools.org/share). If you have questions, please send us an email at shareyourthoughts@highlineschools.org.