Highline Times - News

Tue, 07/19/16

Now for something completely different and exciting.

Since October 2013, the Burien Arts Gallery at 826 S.W. 152nd St. in Olde Burien has featured fine-arts works from throughout the region.

Now in August, the community is taking…MORE

Mon, 07/18/16

The Seattle branch of the World Mission Society Church of God, is an international organization that has been awarded and recognized by numerous organizations including government entities as outstanding in taking the lead in social change.…MORE

Thu, 07/14/16

The City of SeaTac was an $18.3 million loser and K&S Developments was the winner in the largest land use judgement in the history of Washington State on July 8. In addition the judge, made a recommendation that the in house counsel for the…MORE

Wed, 07/13/16

Deadline for receiving Calendar items is Noon Wednesday for the following week’s Friday Times/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space available. Email submissions as soon as possible to: calendar@robinsonnews.com. Items can bae…MORE

Wed, 07/13/16

By Lisa Herbold

I've been feeling powerless and at a loss for words to describe my feelings about the horrific, unjust, and tragic deaths of Philando Castile & Alton Sterling at the hands of the police. Will another call for training,…MORE

Wed, 07/13/16

Burien is one of the 10 fastest growing small cities in the nation? I had to laugh a little when I read this (and we printed as sent from a San Francisco company that tracks the job market). It shows that Burien jumped in population by 16,500 in…MORE

Wed, 07/13/16

When you retire, will your cost of living decline? Some of your expenses may indeed drop, but others won’t. Plus, you may have some new ones to consider. So, all in all, it’s a good idea to think about ways to boost your retirement savings now,…MORE

Wed, 07/13/16

Without learning-based summer activities, most kids will go back to school in the fall knowing less than they did in the spring. Studies have documented the Summer Learning Gap and its consequences: kids who don’t read and learn during the summer…MORE

Wed, 07/13/16

SEATTLE – Despite overwhelming evidence proving the perils of distracted driving, the latest poll from PEMCO Insurance reveals that nearly half of Northwest drivers admit they illegally use their phones while driving – and a majority do it…MORE

Wed, 07/13/16

by Ken Robinson Downtown Seattle parking practices are coming to Burien.

Patrons of businesses in Olde Burien might be surprised to learn they will have to pay to park in what has always been a free lot.

Although many businesses…MORE

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