Highline Times - News

Mon, 08/08/16

On 8/7/16 at 8:38 a 26-year-old Somali male was trespassing at the basketball courts of the Abu Bakr Mosque. A security officer asked him to leave; he refused. A struggle ensued and the security officer was stabbed. He sustained non-life…MORE

Fri, 08/05/16

Information from King County Sheriff

The Burien Police Department recently issued officers a Naloxone nasal-spray to treat opioid overdose victims. When someone overdoses on an opioid it can be difficult to wake the person and breathing…MORE

Thu, 08/04/16

Grassroots citizens group Action Tukwila will attempt the world record for the largest potluck in history August 13, 2016 (1-5pm). Staged on Tukwila International Boulevard between 144th and 146th Streets, Come Sit at Our Table – The World’s…MORE

Tue, 08/02/16

By Lindsay Peyton

Signs read “Bold. Progressive. Unafraid.” Along with the motto was printed Pramila Jayapal’s name – a democratic candidate who drew a large crowd to Hale’s Ales, all waiting for the votes to be tallied tonight for the…MORE

Tue, 08/02/16


Festivities abounded the night the Highline Bears beat the Northwest Honkers, 4-1, in their season finale Friday, including the induction of four White Center personalities into the team's new Hall of Fame. The…MORE

Tue, 08/02/16

by Wajid Hassan

There are many students who want to get ahead by attending a STEM school but many of these specialized schools lack the curriculum, have inadequately trained teachers, or are driven by ideology and not results. Students in…MORE

Tue, 08/02/16

This summer in Burien and the surrounding areas, 2,359 students in the Highline School District received 28,308 new books for summer reading.

Book Up Summer, a program of Page Ahead Children’s Literacy Program, combats summer learning loss…MORE

Mon, 08/01/16

It could be said that communities like West Seattle have multiple hearts. Places and institutions that hold special meaning for people or that provide such an essential service the community would not be the same without them.

The West…MORE

Wed, 07/27/16

by Halley Knigge, Staff Writer and Level 16 Pokemon Trainer

By now you’ve all heard the stories (and seen the YouTube videos!). People falling into canals,driving into trees and trespassing on private property in their quest to catch that…MORE

Wed, 07/27/16

Story- The King County Sheriff’s Office wants to warn you of a SCAM that has been occurring in the Seattle area over the last couple of years. Someone may call you and identify themselves as a King County deputy or detective and tell you that…MORE

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