Highline Times - News

Mon, 11/05/12

Press release from King County Sheriff’s Office: A 43 year old Oklahoma man, who police learned was a pilot and was supposed to fly a commercial plane from Sea-Tac Airport to Japan on Monday morning, was arrested in SeaTac last night after…MORE

Mon, 11/05/12

Sound Transit press release:

Sound Transit is kicking off the process for working with South King County communities on options for extending high-capacity transit service. The effort will help shape alternatives for building high capacity…MORE

Mon, 11/05/12

Deadline for receiving items for Community Calendar is 5 p.m. Wednesday for the following week’s Times/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space availability. Email submissions to: hteditor@robinsonnews.com Items can be accepted…MORE

Mon, 11/05/12


With voters’ decision to privatize liquor last Nov. with I-1183, the state is out of the liquor business and private companies have full-reign of the liquor-selling playing field. Local grocery…MORE

Mon, 11/05/12

A few weeks ago, the work of three citizen groups in Burien made it possible for the children at the Ruth Dykeman Children’s Center to get their swings set back.

The groups were Neighbors of Seahurst Park, the Lake Burien Neighborhood and…MORE

Mon, 11/05/12

We haven’t had it as rough as our friends on the East Coast but the rainy season has definitely arrived in Highline.

Here a vehicle navigates a very wet First Avenue South in Normandy Park as fall leaves threaten to clog a storm drain.


Mon, 11/05/12

Press release:

BLT is getting ready for “A Tuna Christmas” and it needs some specialty props that BLT has not found yet. If you have any of them and can share them with BLT, BLT will put your name in the program and give you a pair of…MORE

Sat, 11/03/12

Compared to Highline High School, which remains open since 1924, Glacier High School, also in the Highline School District, came and went in the blink of an eye. The former school, now a lonely collection of vacated buildings and covered outdoor…MORE

Sat, 11/03/12

In the last North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting on Nov. 1 before final ballots are cast to approve or decline annexation to Burien, City Manager Mike Martin thanked the NHUAC for their support of annexation and responded to claims…MORE

Thu, 11/01/12

press release:

SeaTac- Burien detectives located a stolen turquoise 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air convertible vehicle last night after serving a search warrant at a house in SeaTac. The car had been featured on the news after it was stolen on…MORE

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