Highline Times - News

Mon, 10/29/12

Pres release:

It is almost that time of year again when we move from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time and adjust our clocks back one hour at 2 a.m. on November 4th.

The SeaTac Fire Department would like to remind you that…MORE

Mon, 10/29/12

Press release:

The 2012 storm season is shaping up to have a weather pattern similar to 2006, which brought with it heavy rain, flooding, wind storms and snow – not to mention the infamous Hanukkah Eve Storm that left 1.5 million Western…MORE

Fri, 10/26/12

Four people, two adults and two juveniles, have been displaced following a fire at their home in the 22400 block of Military Rd. S. shortly after midnight, Oct. 26.

The fire was first reported at 12:30 am, and had already spread to all…MORE

Fri, 10/26/12

It was 2005. Ron Sims was the King County Executive, Dow Constantine was a member of the county council, and a new business directive had been sent out to the parks department: try to find figure out partnerships to help build park facilities…MORE

Thu, 10/25/12

Capping a six-year drive to move its mental health care facilities out of an old elementary school, under the third-runway flight path, Navos Mental Health Solutions celebrated the grand opening of its 52,450 square foot campus in Burien Oct. 25…MORE

Thu, 10/25/12

One City Council member really wants SeaTac to live up to its motto as the “Hospitality City.”

Rick Forschler proposed Oct. 23 that city residents share their homes with airline employees that are laid over in SeaTac during the holidays.…MORE

Thu, 10/25/12

Press Release:

November 8th Multiple Art Openings Downtown Burien A Fall celebration of Art and Craft featuring: Crimson Park Design and Shelli Park Mariachi Scott Grigg

When: November 8th, 2012 from 6 – 9 PM.


Wed, 10/24/12

Burien is set to get a jump on neighboring cities by approving its 2013-2014 biennial budget on Monday, Nov. 4.

Cities have until the end of the year to approve their budgets for the coming year. But to accommodate colleagues’ medical and…MORE

Wed, 10/24/12

NHUAC press release:

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council invites you to the monthly meeting, Thursday, November 1, 7pm at the North Highline Fire Station (1243 112th Street, SW).

We are pleased to be hosting Brenda Bauer and…MORE

Mon, 10/22/12

Deadline for receiving items for Community Calendar is 5 p.m. Wednesday for the following week’s Times/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space availability. Email submissions to: hteditor@robinsonnews.com Items can be accepted…MORE

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