Top: Fatima Hammens, right side, stands with family opening night at her Eremita Financial & Professional Services... with wine & fine foods from around the world, specializing in Portugal and Goa, India, where she is from. She is located just south of West Seattle at 9988 15TH Ave SW Suite C in the new White Center Plaza.
Pictured below is performer Stephanie Cortes McCloskey and her cousins.
The West Seattle Herald caught up with Fatima Eremita Hemmons and her family Saturday night they presented a celebration of Eremita Financial & Professional Services...
Experience an affair with fine foods from around the world!
Specializing in wine and foods from Portugal and Goa
• Portuguese Wine, Food and Beer
• Authentic Recipes from Goa
• Specialty Teas and Spices from India
• Tongan Specialties by special request!
Percentage of the proceeds will go to benefit the Windermere Foundation
Live Rock & Blues Band, Wine, Food & Fun
Date: September 3rd
Time: 6:00 – 10:00 PM
Phone: (206) 694-3524)
Place: Luso Food and Wine LLC
9988 15TH Ave SW Suite C